Multiple Sources Confirm “Vaxxed” Pilot Died In The Air – Airline Covering It Up Along With Numerous Other Health Issues For Pilots & Flight Attendants (Video)
Remember when we warned about pilots taking these deadly COVID experimental shots? Remember when pilots from various airlines died after taking the shots? Remember when and Army doctor and aerospace medicine specialist petitioned the Pentagon to ground all pilots who have taken the shot? Remember the recent coverup by Southwest airlines concerning it’s pilots not showing up for work due to their mandates and then covering it up about some nonsense about weather? Well, this is the reason for the warning. Multiple sources confirm a Delta airlines pilot died in flight which resulted in an emergency landing.
- Pilot Encounters IN-FLIGHT Terminal Stroke As Experimental COVID Shots Continue To Be Unlawfully Mandated (Video)
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An LAX-based captain aboard a US Delta flight died in flight, according to at least three whistleblowers, as reported by Dr. Jane Ruby on the Stew Peters show. The death occurred sometime within ten days of the October 11, 2021 airing of the show.
According to the sources, the captain was fine and speaking normally one minute and the next minute said a few “weird things” and died. Those sources, which include flight attendants, confirm that information came from the co-pilot who was able to land the plane safely on his own.
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According to the whistleblowers, the co-pilot acknowledged that the pilot had received his second dose of the COVID experimental shot just days before.
Dr. Ruby went on to state that things occurring in the skies are not what we are being told they are. According to the whistleblowers:
- Flights are being diverted due to “vaxxed” pilots suffering chest pains
- Flight was recently diverted for a 30-year-old male passenger who had chest pains and an inability to breathe
- A Seattle-based pilot was found dead on his floor from an embolism
- Pilots and flight attendants in droves are not returning to active duty after the shot due to various, unspecified reactions
- 2 Atlanta-based flight attendants were found dead at home a few days after they received the second shot
- 7 Atlanta-based flight attendants have had “break through” infections
- 1 Atlanta-based pilot who had both shots received a “break through” infection and died from kidney failure after being put on Remdesivir
- A Salt Lake City ramp agent died in his sleep just 3 days after getting his second shot
- A 47-year-old “gym rat” Salt Lake City flight attendant base manager died after his second J&J shot
Even “unvaxxed” are feeling unwell around their “vaxxed” fellow pilots and attendants.
- Informed Consent, 5 Dead Jet Blue Pilots & Liquifying The Dead With Kate Shemirani
- British Airways Confirms 4 Vaxxed Pilots Dead – Claims No Link To Experimental Injections – Anyone Buying It?
- The Great Southwest Airlines Rebellion?
- Fully “Vaccinated” Southwest Flight Attendant Dies Of “COVID”
There’s even more in this explosive report by Dr. Jane Ruby.
Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media