Fully “Vaccinated” Southwest Flight Attendant Dies Of “COVID”
I thought these medical devices they are injecting and fraudulently calling “vaccines” were “safe and effective.” Yeah, right! They are neither and the latest to fall prey to the propaganda is a Southwest flight attendant who was said to be “fully vaccinated” against COVID only now to be dead, and the cause of death is the invisible boogeyman called COVID.
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Fox 4 KDFW has the story.
Southwest Airlines is mourning the loss of Maurice Reggie Shepperson, a flight attendant who died this week after a battle with COVID-19.
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“We are heartbroken over the loss; the Southwest Family is supporting each other, and our Employee’s family, during this difficult time. Out of respect for Reggie’s family, we do not have additional details to share,” the airline said in a statement.
His mother, Dawn Shepperson, told USA Today her son had been fully vaccinated.
“It hurt me so bad because it was just so quick,” Shepperson told the outlet. “I didn’t have time to really even acknowledge what is going on. This is mind-blowing. It’s not real. It’s not real. It’s not real.”
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) considers a person fully vaccinated 14 days after they’ve received their final dose of an FDA-authorized vaccine.
Maurice ‘Reggie’ Shepperson, a Southwest Airlines flight attendant based in Las Vegas, tested positive for COVID-19 in early July and had been fighting the virus in the hospital for a month before he died. https://t.co/yAY1iXUl0F
— USA TODAY (@USATODAY) August 12, 2021
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Of course, the mixed propaganda from the Mockingbird, corporate-owned media added that the “vaccines are highly effective at preventing infections, but breakthrough cases are still possible.”
Yeah, right! The reality is that the majority of people entering hospitals where the CONvid-1984 is an issue are getting sick from the shots, not the alleged, unproven, unpurified and non-isolated “virus.”
Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media