Next Potential Leader of the Democrat Party just Praised Fidel Castro!
The man who is the likely next leader of the Democrat National Committee, Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN), just made one of the most disgusting claims we’ve ever heard. He called Fidel Castro’s time as dictator of Cuba a “mixed bag” of good and bad.
Read his comments on Castro:
He was a revolutionary leader who confronted a system of government that excluded everybody except the military and the money-rich.
And he took them on, defeated them and then set the country up in a way where…Did he use harsh dictatorial tactics? Yes, probably he did…but, did he also stand up for peace and freedom in Africa? Absolutely.
His Cuban forces took on the South Africa apartheid military forces and defeated them.
And, actually deployed doctors anywhere from Chernobyl to all over South Africa, anywhere people were sick. He sent those doctors there. He made medical education very available, made medicine available.
So if you look at his legacy you have to say that he confronted people with a lot of power on behalf of people that didn’t have any.
He also did jail people who were political critics of his, he also did not allow… free speech…It’s a mixed bag.
There is so much wrong here, it’s hard to know where to begin, let’s just go line by line.
He was a revolutionary leader who confronted a system of government that excluded everybody except the military and the money-rich.
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No. Sure, Castro confronted a corrupt government that excluded the lower class. But then he replaced it with an even more corrupt government that continued to exclude everyone except for the military and those closest to Castro. The rich got poorer, but so did the middle class, and yes, even the poor grew poorer under Castro.
Did he use harsh dictatorial tactics? Yes, probably he did…but, did he also stand up for peace and freedom in Africa? Absolutely. His Cuban forces took on the South Africa apartheid military forces and defeated them.
No. He did not stand up for peace and freedom in Africa. Yes, he sent soldiers, but he sent them to train other Communist rebel groups in an effort to sow discord and war. He was not for peace and freedom – he supported brutal communist dictatorships all over the world and worked hard to upend stable African governments in an effort to install communist regimes.
Deployed doctors anywhere from Chernobyl to all over South Africa, anywhere people were sick. He sent those doctors there. He made medical education very available, made medicine available.
He deployed doctors all over the communist world because that was the only commodity Cuba could provide. He didn’t provide these doctors out of the kindness of his heart — he did so to pay off debts of oil, guns, and money.
He also did jail people who were political critics of his, he also did not allow… free speech…It’s a mixed bag.
No, he didn’t just jail people who were political critics. He murdered tens of thousands of his opponents. He banned free speech, he banned free assembly, he banned religious freedom, he banned the free press, he banned free access to information… even today the internet is only available under the strictest of government oversight.
In short, it’s not a mixed bag, Mr. Ellison. Fidel Castro was an evil, brutal dictator who deserved to die a traitor’s death, and instead, because of liberal sycophants like you, lived in posh comfort for most of his 90 years of life. Instead of opposing him in life, you enabled his violence. Now, instead of decrying him in death, you sweep his many crimes under the rug to advance your own revisionist history.
Well, we won’t let you rewrite history just because it suits your political ideology.
Shame on you for defending Castro’s legacy, and shame on your allies for letting you do it.
Article posted with permission from Article by Onan Coca.