Nobel Peace Prize Winning Virologist: “The Curve Of Vaccination Is Followed By The Curve Of Deaths” (Video)
While viruses are said to exist and even mutate, causing variants, French virologist and Nobel laureate Luc Montagnier claims that “it is vaccination that causes the variants.” Furthermore, he warns that as vaccinations increase, so do deaths.
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Luc Antoine Montagnier is a French virologist and joint recipient, with Françoise Barré-Sinoussi and Harald zur Hausen, of the 2008 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his discovery of the human immunodeficiency virus. He has worked as a researcher at the Pasteur Institute in Paris and as a full-time professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China.
Here’s a short clip of a longer interview, which was translated for Rair Foundation USA.
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Here’s some of the exchange.
Looking at the WHO curve, since vaccinations began in January, the curve of new infections (those infected) has exploded, along with deaths.
Especially among young people.
Yes, with thromboses, etc.
How do you view the mass vaccination program? Mass vaccination compared to treatments that work and are not expensive.
It’s a huge mistake, isn’t it? Both a scientific and a medical mistake. It’s an unacceptable mistake. The history books will show that, because it is vaccination that creates the variants.
For the China virus, there are antibodies created by the vaccine. What does the virus do? Does it die or does it look for another solution?
The new variants are a production and the result of vaccination. You see it in every country, it is the same: the curve of vaccination is followed by the curve of deaths.
I follow this closely and I do experiments at the Institute with patients who became ill with Corona after they were vaccinated. I will show you that they create variants that are resistant to the vaccine.
Should we vaccinate during a pandemic?
It is unthinkable.
They are silent…many people know this, epidemiologists know it.
It is the antibodies produced by the virus that make an infection stronger.
It’s what we call Antibody Dependent Amplification, which means that antibodies favor a particular infection. The antibody attaches itself to the virus, from that point on it has the receptors, the antibodies, we have them in the macrophage and so on.
It fires up the virus and not by accident, but because of the fact that they are linked to the antibodies.
Obviously, the new variants are created by antibody-mediated selection as a result of vaccination. Okay?
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Here’s the full interview.
Instead of fighting an alleged virus, it apparently feeds it.
“The new variants are created by the selection of the antibodies produced by the vaccination,” Prof. Montagnier said.
“It’s a huge mistake, it’s a scientific error and an inexplicable medical error, history will take stock of all this one day, because it is indeed the vaccination that created the variant,” he added.
The Great Reject reported:
The prominent virologist explains that “there are antibodies, created by the vaccine,” that force the virus to “find another solution” or die. This is where the variants are created. It is the variants that are “a production and result of the vaccination.”
Prof. Montagnier says epidemiologists know about the phenomenon but are “silent” about the phenomenon known as “Antibody Dependent Reinforcement” (ADE). Articles mentioning ADE dismiss Prof. Montagnier’s concerns. “Scientists say ADE is virtually not a problem with COVID-19 vaccines“, reported an article on Medpage Today in March.
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Prof. Montagnier explained that the trend is occurring in “every country” where “the curve of vaccination is followed by the curve of deaths.”
The Nobel laureate’s point is highlighted by information revealed in an open letter from a long list of doctors to the European Medicines Agency. The letter states, among other things, that “there are numerous media reports from around the world of nursing homes affected by COVID-19 within days of vaccinating residents.”
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Earlier this month, French Virologist Christine Rouzioux made a statement:
“…the increase in new cases is occurring in vaccinated patients in nursing homes in Montpellier, in Sarte, in Reims, in Moselle…”
Prof. Luc Montagnier went on to say that he is conducting his own experiments with those who become infected with the Coronavirus after receiving the vaccine. “I will show you that they create the variants that are resistant to the vaccine”, he says.
Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media