Nurse Fired By Kaiser-Permanente For Not Taking The Shot: Count The Cost – What Are You Willing To Give Up For Liberty? (Video)
A nurse who was fired (ie place on “administrative unpaid leave”) for not taking the experimental COVID shot, filmed her departure from the building which she had worked at for years, and asked the people that viewed her video if they had counted the cost for taking a stand against tyranny.
The nurse spoke out about how no one at Kaiser-Permanente would recognize her religious faith concerning not taking the shot.
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However, she said she had counted the cost and was willing to lose “everything” for freedom. Exactly right!
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She received encouragement from others she walked by saying “it’s not right” and “it’s totally inappropriate.”
Yes, it is. This nurse had been a “COVID nurse” since the beginning according to her. Why was her services somehow OK before Kaiser-Permanente decided they weren’t?
And what are we hearing from Kaiser-Permanente? Crickets. They are fascists going along with fascists in government to push an agenda.
Several commenters praised the nurse.
“God bless you with an even better job! The “plandemic” was not about a virus. It was about taking the clot shot,” wrote one, adding “Thank you for standing strong!”
Another wrote, “This nurse is a true hero! God Bless her for standing up for her beliefs…you will be better off and when these people have permanent effects caused by the death dart and have cancer ravishing their bodies you will thank the good Lord for making the right choice! Lord bless this woman and all that stood with her! ”
Still another added, “Amazing nurse. I keep praying these medical professionals band together and set up shop. They will be needed in the times to come.”
One commenter called Kaiser “demonic,” which is spot on.
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She went on to ask what kind of world we live in where children who are said to be the least at risk of whatever is going on are forced to wear masks, and I’ll add are encouraged to get these experimental shots now. What kind of united States are we in where the freedom of religion and autonomy of the body is not respected? I’ll tell you: It’s world and US under the judgment of God (Deuteronomy 28; Leviticus 26).
Want to fix it? Repent towards God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ who gave Himself to save sinners (lawbreakers).
Then, we bring justice upon the heads of the wicked.
That’s what repentance would actually look like.
Article posted with permission from Kaiser-Permanente