On Saturday, I told you about Marine Sergeant Jeremy Knauff’s epic post that has gone viral as he warned the Islamic jihadists what they have coming if they want to engage Americans on American soil. On Monday, I hosted him at Sons of Liberty radio. However, another well-known Marine also …

In a move to bypass the unconstitutional fiat system of the privately-owned Federal Reserve, the State of Texas is establishing a gold-backed bank. Legislation signed into law by Texas Governor Greg Abbott establishes the Texas Bullion Depository, which will allow anyone who wants to deposit and trade in precious metals …

A new Senate bill would address the gun-free zones that many critics blame for worsening a string of shootings against domestic military targets, most recently the Chattanooga shooting which cost the lives of four Marines and one Navy sailor. The bill — which Senator Jerry Moran, a Kansas Republican, plans to introduce …

Following the first release of a video that showed Dr. Deborah Nucatola discussing the sale of murdered babies’ body parts, another Planned Parenthood sociopath has now been exposed being involved in the same practice. The video, released on Tuesday by the Center for Medical Progress, shows Dr. Mary Gatter, president …

When financial markets crash, they do not do so in a vacuum.  There are always patterns, signs and indicators that tell us that something is about to happen.  In this article, I am going to share with you four patterns that are happening right now that also happened just prior …

Thanks to Barack Obama, it is only a matter of time before Israel feels forced to conduct a massive military strike against Iran’s nuclear program. When that happens, Iran will strike back, and hundreds if not thousands of missiles will rain down on Israel. This exchange will likely spark a …

Yes, illegal immigrants are responsible for lots of crime in this country. In recent years, nearly 1000 illegal immigrants have been convicted of committing sex crimes against children in the state of Texas alone. And as you will read about below, illegal immigrants have a murder rate that is 3 …

Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson has authorized the Arkansas National Guard Adjutant General to arm all full-time military personnel in the wake of the Chattanooga Islamic jihad attack last Thursday that left four marines and one Navy Petty Officer dead. “I want to join in those who are calling for greater …

Republican Rep. Duncan Hunter’s office told The Daily Caller News Foundation they are finalizing a bill that would address a key gun regulation that could have influenced the outcome of the Chattanooga shooting. The shooting left four Marines dead after a man opened fire on a recruiting center before moving on …

Following the release of Dr. Kent Hovind on July 8, I had the pleasure of speaking with his son, Eric Hovind, about the release of a brand new film set to be completed in July 2016. The Genesis 3D movie will detail the Creation account from the Book of Genesis …