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Rockefeller Foundation & Microsoft Working on Vaccine Passport

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Sure. Create a two-tier society which allows freedom for some people, but not for others, and have it regulated by the very groups and figures that people suspicious of vaccines already have at the very top of their list.

Health Passports: The Next Stage In Tracking & Surveillance

That’s bound to go well.

A coalition of health and technology organizations are working to develop a digital COVID-19 vaccination passport to allow businesses, airlines and countries to check if people have received the vaccine.

The initiative, which includes members like Microsoft, Oracle and U.S. nonprofit Mayo Clinic, is using the work from member Commons Project’s international digital document that verifies a person has tested negative for COVID-19, the Financial Times reported.

The Commons Project’s technology, created in partnership with the Rockefeller Foundation, is being utilized by three major airline alliances.

The coalition is reportedly in discussions with several governments to create a program requiring either negative tests or proof of vaccination to enter, Paul Meyer, the chief executive of The Commons Project, told the Times.

“The goal of the Vaccination Credential Initiative is to empower individuals with digital access to their vaccination records so they can use tools like CommonPass to safely return to travel, work, school, and life, while protecting their data privacy,” Meyer said in a release.

Empower is an interesting term. Some people are empowered. Others are disempowered.  All about which half of the totalitarian glass you look at.

I’m sure the separate water fountains for the vaccinated and unvaccinated will be separate, apart, and equal.

But, if nothing else, maybe this will convince the Ministry of Information to retire its We’re All In This Together slogan.

Article posted with permission from Daniel Greenfield

The Washington Standard

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