Roseanne’s Lynching Is An Insult To Blacks
After Memorial Day, longtime actress and comedian Roseanne Barr was fired from her number-one hit TV show reboot “Roseanne.” ABC canceled the entire program, reportedly pulled reruns of the sitcom and began considering an off-shoot show without Roseanne’s character.
Why such strong, sudden moves by elitist media giant ABC? Roseanne put out a funny tweet discussing a Wikileaks report about the corrupt Obama administration. Valerie Jarrett’s name came up – a wicked woman who was Barack Obama’s senior advisor. Roseanne wrote on Twitter in the early morning hours Tuesday: “muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby=vj” – meaning Valerie Jarrett.
Many people, including Roseanne apparently, didn’t know that Valerie Jarrett is mixed-race “black.” People do know Jarrett wears short, straight hair not unlike a “Planet of the Apes” movie character. Many also know Jarrett was born in the Islamic Republic of Iran. The “Fallen Messiah” Barack Obama and his allies oppressed and marginalized Christians, but supported and covered for Muslims any time Jihadists committed terror attacks.
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One of the stupidest, politically correct, media-enforced “rules” against free speech is you cannot compare black people (at least not liberal blacks) to monkeys or apes, either in jest or insult. Through lies and propaganda, people are brainwashed to see blacks as poor, helpless victims of so-called “racism” (which doesn’t even exist, and never has). It’s actually an insult to black people that whites are conditioned not to speak freely around them, and it only feeds black suspicion over white people’s true feelings. The left treats blacks like mentally handicapped children who can’t handle anything and can’t control themselves.
This mentality toward blacks enables them to continue their moral decline, having up to 77 percent of children out of wedlock, aborting a third of their pregnancies, complaining and lying about “racism,” faking hate crimes and falsely accusing whites and police, making excuses and blaming the system for their failure, begging for free stuff and “reparations,” continuing in unemployment double the national average, creating ghettoes, selling drugs and killing one another at a disproportionate rate.
The irony is that Roseanne Barr has a long history of trying to help black people, and being a pro-diversity, so-called “anti-racist” activist. She has a black godson, and pushed for a black granddaughter in her TV show’s revival. She once tweeted the purported home address of George Zimmerman, who shot the thug Trayvon Martin in self-defense – she apparently wanted a protest or citizen’s arrest of the Hispanic “white” man falsely accused of “racist” murder.
Roseanne is a bit all-over-the-place politically – somewhat like Kanye West, by the way. Like Kanye, her “unforgivable” sin against the children of the lie (the liberal media, Democratic Party, RINOs and Never Trumpers) is thinking for herself and being pro-Trump. She’s extremely socially liberal – formerly a supporter of the anti-capitalist Green Party and socialist “Peace and Freedom Party.” Her nixed TV show “Roseanne” featured a transgender grandson who dresses like a girl, promoting mental and spiritual illness as normal and right. But the left’s only problem was that Roseanne is a Trump supporter!
This is an unjust and un-American public lynching of Roseanne Barr, meant to shut white people up and put fear in them. The media made sure everybody called her funny tweet “racist,” overreacting and emotionalizing the situation to make it seem so important and “abhorrent.” Even normally down-to-earth conservatives called her tweet “racist.” Logically, her tweet was either fair or inappropriate – but it was not “racist,” and she had a right to say it. Shamefully, Roseanne apologized repeatedly and profusely. Stop apologizing to the children of the lie!
They don’t care when President Trump is called an “orangutan,” or when black conservatives are called monkeys. It is acceptable to hate whites and Trump supporters. It’s a double standard. They falsely labeled Republicans “Nazis” and the Tea Party “racists” and “terrorists.” The word “racist” is more dehumanizing and destructive to whites than the so-called “N-word” is to blacks. The only solution is for whites to drop their fear.
The left seeks to regain power through intimidation of white people, the people who most support truth and freedom in America.
Some years back they made a similar example of a “white person” in the lynching of L.A. Clippers owner Donald Sterling. He was recorded in private not wanting his “girlfriend” to take pictures in public with blacks. He had a right to express this. But the wicked lynch mob called him “racist” and took his team away from him!
This is pure evil – oppressing white people for expressing “incorrect” opinions.
The only man they have not been able to destroy is President Trump, whom I call the Great White Hope for all Americans. Donald Trump has God on his side. He tells the truth, speaks his mind and has no fear. And he shows love for all people. He does not apologize for doing and saying nothing wrong. If we want to save our country and make America great again, we must stand up for truth and freedom of speech without apology.
Article posted with permission from Jesse Lee Peterson