State Agents Raid Preschools, Question Toddlers Without Parental Consent For Not Wearing Masks
For two years now, people across the world have been forced by their governments to muzzle their faces with cloth masks. Despite long-established evidence that cloth masks do not stop airborne viral transmission, tyrants from coast to coast in the United States and worldwide have continued to force them on their citizens, including small children.
Despite mountains of evidence being presented for the last two years and countless comparisons between masked and unmasked populations showing that cloth masks do absolutely nothing to stop the spread of COVID-19, there are still diehard pro-muzzlers out there trying to keep the insanity going.
Although they lifted the mandate requirement last week, the CDC still claims that cloth masks stop covid, completely ignoring the science. Luckily, in spite of this denial of science by the establishment, the pro-muzzle class has been dwindling and even the staunchest of face-covering supporters have been forced to reverse course.
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I want to follow the State’s lead and lift the mask mandates.
I believe we are beginning to lose the trust of the people. We already saw thousands of people flagrantly violate LA County’s mask mandate at the Super Bowl.
— Janice Hahn (@SupJaniceHahn) February 15, 2022
In some places, however, like New York City, anti-science tyrants like Mayor Eric Adams thinks it’s necessary to keep masking children under 5 because they aren’t eligible for a vaccine that Florida just contraindicated for children.
NYC Mayor Adams claims that requiring masks on toddlers is necessary so that we “don’t close down the City again.”
— Eli Klein (@TheEliKlein) March 7, 2022
While New York continues to mask toddlers in some ritualistic act of child abuse, on the other side of the country in California, the mask tyrants took things a bit further — using the police state to go after toddlers.
The Aspen Leaf Preschool in San Diego, California operates three different locations in the city. While other schools were muzzling their children in defiance of science, Aspen Leaf openly told parents that masks were optional. As a result, state agents with the California Department of Social Services raided all three locations simultaneously — as if they were trafficking children, not freeing them from cloth face coverings.
The Voice of San Diego interviewed parents of children at the school who said that during what they described as a “raid,” state agents separated their children and questioned them without parental consent.
“This gross abuse of power is shameful and unacceptable for many reasons,” Stephanie and Richard Rosado wrote in a complaint about their 4-year-old being interrogated, according to the Voice. “The people who ordered this to be done and those who participated should be held responsible.”
Despite clear laws on the books about interviewing children without parental consent, CDSS stands by their decision to question children aged 1-4 without their parents.
Regulators “determined that the interviews were conducted in an appropriate manner and were a necessary component of the required complaint investigation,” Kevin Gaines, deputy director of child care licensing, wrote to one Aspen Leaf parent, who lodged a complaint, according to the Voice.
“Staff are trained to conduct interviews with children in a manner that avoids causing undue stress,” Gaines wrote.
But parents of children at the schools are not buying it and are still quite angry at the fact that their children were treated as criminals for not wearing face coverings.
The Voice interviewed Connie Wu, whose daughter was not even 2-years old when agents pulled her into a room by herself to interview her. Wu told the voice that she has no idea what happened to her daughter in that room because she’s too young to even explain it.
“She’s not developmentally able to tell me,” Wu told the Voice. “She doesn’t have the vocabulary to be able to talk about being interviewed by a stranger.”
After the raid, which took place in January, investigators issued Aspen Leaf a Type A citation, which is reportedly the most severe violation and can lead to a business being shut down. The school was then forced to reverse their masking guidelines and muzzle children to avoid being shut down.
Luckily for the children, they won’t be masked long as the science won in California too, and on March 11, no children in the state will be forced to wear a muzzle.
The idea of state agents raiding pre-schools to enforce an unscientific cloth mask mandate is disturbing. If the government is willing to take these issues to such extremes over pseudo science like masks, where do they draw the line on even more tyrannical and unscientific measures?
Article posted with permission from Matt Agorist