Posts Tagged
chattanooga shooting

After Muslim Terrorist Kills 4 Unarmed Marines at Chattanooga Recruiting Office, Obama-Directed Policy Will Make Stateside Marines Sitting Ducks
Under the new Marine Corps policy for military facilities in U.S., Marines will NOT be allowed to be armed but will have to “shelter in place.” In other words, “run and hide” in case of attack. MarineTimes: Marine officials have ruled out arming recruiters following this summer’s deadly shooting rampage …

Navy Confirms it will Not Charge Sailor Who Defended Others with His Gun from Chattanooga Jihadist
On Saturday, I reported that Lt. Commander Timothy White was in the crosshairs of the US Navy for “illegally discharging” his gun on federal property as he attempted to save lives during the Islamic jihad that was waged in Chattanooga by Mohammad Abdulazeez. Now, it’s being reported that the Navy …

Navy Wants to Charge Officer who Fired at Islamic Jihadist in Chattanooga to Save Others
In a twisted view of justice, the Navy wants to charge Lt. Commander Timothy White for illegally discharging a firearm on federal property in an attempt to stop the Islamic jihadist who murdered 5 of his military brothers. Western Journalism had reported shortly after the attack: A Navy officer and …

Chattanooga Marine’s Message to Obama: You have done more Damage to this Country than Anyone
US Marine Cpl. Ty Hammons has had it with Barack Obama and his Marxist-Muslims regime and he took to YouTube to vent his frustrations regarding the usurper-in-chief in the wake of the Chattanooga Islamic jihad attack. Not only did he say that Obama was not deserving of the title Commander-in-chief, …

Alabama Sheriff in Wake of Chattanooga Jihad: Put Your Faith in God & Learn How to Handle a Weapon
Many people have responded to the Chattanooga Islamic jihad attack in several ways. We’ve seen the communist gun grabbers in America already pitching for more gun laws, which is exactly what got four Marines and one Navy petty officer killed. We’ve seen American citizens and veterans take up arms to …

News Anchor Tomi Lahren Blasts Obama Over Chattanooga Shooting with What Everyone is Thinking
News anchor Tomi Lahren of On Point with Tomi Lahren on One America News Network recently blasted Barack Obama over the Chattanooga Islamic jihad attack and it’s what most Americans already think. Lahren doesn’t believe that the attack was the result of “workplace violence” the way the Islamic-Marxist Obama administration …

This Governor Authorized Adjutant General to Arm Full Time Military Personnel – He’s not the Only One
Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson has authorized the Arkansas National Guard Adjutant General to arm all full-time military personnel in the wake of the Chattanooga Islamic jihad attack last Thursday that left four marines and one Navy Petty Officer dead. “I want to join in those who are calling for greater …

Congressman to Introduce Bill to Arm Military Recruiters
Republican Rep. Duncan Hunter’s office told The Daily Caller News Foundation they are finalizing a bill that would address a key gun regulation that could have influenced the outcome of the Chattanooga shooting. The shooting left four Marines dead after a man opened fire on a recruiting center before moving on …

Taqiyya: FBI Claims No Indication Chattanooga Shooter was Inspired by Islamic State
On Friday, Federal Bureau of Investigation special agent Ed Reinhold claimed that there was no indication that Chattanooga jihadist Mohammad Youssef Abdulazeez was inspired by the Islamic State. OK, for those who don’t understand taqiyyah, please click here. I don’t have time to go over it again. It’s simply deception. …

Marine Sergeant to Islamic State: You Will Learn Soon Enough of the Brotherhood of Marines
In the wake of Thursday’s jihad attack on a military recruiting center in Chattanooga, Tennessee that left four United States Marines dead, one Marine says he has had enough and has gone to social media to inform the Islamic State, “You wanted attention, and yesterday, you got it. Only, you …