Posts Tagged
federal reserve

The Federal Reserve Admits to the Crimes They Committed
People call websites like The Daily Coin nothing more than propaganda or “conspiracy theory.” Well, why waste time on “theories” when the facts, as discussed by the criminals, are right in front of you? The criminals have a code of conduct that states they must tell us, the little people, …

Highly Respected Economist Warns: “Hyperinflation Is On The Table… It Will Be Completely Uncontrollable”
Thibaut Lepouttre is a highly educated and well-respected economist from Belgium. But unlike many of his counterparts who often tow the line of mainstream politicians and financial pundits, he’s not one to sugarcoat the seriousness of the current global economic, financial and monetary environment. According to Lepouttre, while the Federal Reserve …

The Fed Just “Discovered” Another $2.7 TRILLION in Debt: “Quietly Boosted Total Credit”
The people of the United States, misled by its politicians, and plundered by its financial institutions, are swimming in so much debt that no one will probably ever grasp the truly staggering amount — if indeed it can ever be fully calculated. Forget paying it all back; the Federal Reserve …

Jail the Banksters? Bernanke Now Claims “Wall Street Execs Should’ve Been Held Accountable”
It is not uncommon to hear people in the streets, on blogs, or on talk radio arguing that the gangs of Wall Street should have been jailed — or even hung — for their crimes against the American people. But to hear that kind of talk from a former Federal …

Congress and the Federal Reserve Refuse to Learn From Their Mistakes
This month marks the seventh anniversary of the bursting of the housing bubble and the subsequent economic meltdown. The mood in Congress following the meltdown resembled the panicked atmosphere that followed the September 11th attacks. As was the case after September 11th, Congress rushed to pass hastily written legislation that, instead …

Markets Queasy After Sick Janet Yellen Ends Live Speech: “Initial Reaction Was A Dive in Stocks”
It might be taken as a bad omen for the economy. Perhaps, it was the sign of a sick market. Then again, the Federal Reserve is not too obvious with its hints about future policy and its effects on policy. Nonetheless, during a speech where many were watching for news …

Fed Tightening “Could Have Profoundly Destructive Consequences for Economies”
With fear-driven rhetoric emanating from spooked markets and Wall Street, there are clear signs that the long-rumored rate hike could rock the boat enough to cause worry about capsizing. The Federal Reserve is the 800-pound gorilla in the room. The Behemoth. The Colossus. The Leviathan. Its actions are those of …

Congress Fiddles While the Economy Burns
Reports that the official unemployment rate has fallen to 5.1 percent may appear to vindicate the policies of easy money, corporate bailouts, and increased government spending. However, even the mainstream media has acknowledged that the official numbers understate the true unemployment rate. This is because the government’s unemployment figures do …

“Fed Risks Triggering Panic and Turmoil”: World Bank Warns Against Raising Rates
Could things crumble and crash over a simple rate hike? Many experts say they could, and well, things aren’t so simple after all. With all things being equal, and with respect to the status quo of the powers that be, the current state of affairs appear very …. um, delicate, …

The Fraudulent Federal Reserve
I want you to listen to the words of George Orwell: “In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” We live in a time of universal deceit. Though we are deluged by information, much of the information that reaches us is distorted. It is false. …