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The issue of pedophilia is once again making its way into the mainstream. Researchers are now claiming that it is normal for men to feel a sexual attraction to young, pre-pubescent children. As the homosexual rights movement continues to gain ground, we hear more and more about the normalization of …

Liberals, who might be better compared to “busybody” Gladys Cravitz, have “circle-jerk” logic that leaves one suffering from headaches trying to figure out how to get them out of the circle. Two good examples are baby murder in the womb and parent rights. Liberals contend it is a woman’s “right” …

A sodomite grabbed a 13-year-old boy, sodomized him, and forced him to commit all sort of horrific and very disturbing acts. According to a report: The victim, Padraic Hoban, returned from Australia to attend his abuser John Gannon’s trial and sentencing. Speaking outside the Central Criminal Court on Friday with …

Well, here’s another test for those of you who believe that Kim Davis was wrong for refusing to issue marriage licenses to homosexual couples. A while ago, we brought you the story of Melissa and Aaron Klein who used to own a bakery in Oregon. The Christian couple ran afoul of the …

Apostate preacher Joel Osteen continues to play the pied piper, leading blind down the road of destruction in America. In an interview with the Huffington Post, he said that God “absolutely” approves of every person, including those who practice sodomy. In promoting his new book Break Out! 5 Keys to …

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) got into a confrontation with open lesbian actress Ellen Page at the Iowa State Fair on Friday over the issues of Christian faith and those who engage in sodomy. Page, who is best known for her role in Inception, wore a hat and sunglasses and appeared …

Though I believe Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) is constitutionally ineligible to hold the office of President, that doesn’t mean that the man doesn’t say a lot of right things, because he does. The video response below is an excellent response when it comes to being asked about hatred or animosity …

In order to demonstrate the vile behavior of the sodomite community and their supporters, one must not only consider the history of those whom God has turned over to a reprobate mind (Rom. 1:28). I have documented quite a bit of that in a previous article, which you can read …

“The laws that they mean to use as a shield are fast becoming the spear to overthrow the laws as they intended them to be. People just did not figure that out until after the fact.” The New York Times reported on July 27, 2015 that the “Boy Scouts End …

I have made no bones about the fact that the ultimate authority on the issue of sodomy is the Bible and it is crystal clear in condemning it. If others want to cite polls and commentaries and “experts” to attempt to bolster their claim in favor of sodomy, they are …