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Scandal: Obama Caught Spying On Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu And Members Of Congress
If you found out that one of your “friends” was secretly peeking in your windows at you and your family throughout the day, would that person continue to be your friend? Of course not. But that is exactly what Barack Obama has been doing to Israel. According to the Wall …

It’s Official: Over A Trillion Dollars A Year Will Be Added To The Debt During Obama’s Presidency
Under Barack Obama, the U.S. national debt has risen from $10,626,877,048,913.08 on January 20th, 2009 to $18,795,033,928,275.59 on December 21st, 2015. That means that the debt that we are passing on to future generations has increased by 8.16 trillion dollars since Barack Obama was inaugurated. There is still a little …

Obama Blames the Victims: “We Have to Search Ourselves as a Society”
Obama is wrong, but he’s right. It is not America, but the Islamic world that must search itself and self-reflect. Islam and its adherents must search themselves as a society. The ummah (the worldwide Muslim community) needs to search itself. They don’t. They have no impetus to do that. Their …

Obama Calls For GUN CONTROL With Killers Still At Large in San Bernardino Shooting in GUN FREE ZONE
OBAMA: Never letting a good mass shooting go to waste….. He wastes no time. The body count isn’t even in. But Obama has a knee-jerk strategy for shootings — whether it’s Fort Hood, Garland, Texas, Chattanooga …. he politicizes them to push for the unthinkable — gun control. He calls …

Saudi Arabia Refuses To Take Even A Single Syrian Refugee
If Saudi Arabia won’t take in Syrian refugees, why should the United States? In recent weeks, we have heard a whole lot from Barack Obama about our “moral obligation” to take in refugees from Syria. Well, if there is a “moral obligation” to help these refugees, then why aren’t more …

Obama’s Conduct Is Unbecoming
I am thrilled to announce that human rights activist and freedom fighter Nonie Darwish, an ex-Muslim who grew up in Gaza and experienced jihad and Jew-hatred firsthand and repudiated both, has become our first AFDI fellow. In that capacity, Nonie, author of the must-read books Now They Call Me Infidel …

Obama: The Number of Refugees from Syria and Elsewhere Will be Increased ‘to 100,000 Per Year’
The number “10,000 Syrian refugees” is being thrown around a lot by the mainstream media, but did you know that Barack Obama has actually publicly declared that the U.S. is going to take in 100,000 refugees from Syria and elsewhere for each of the next two years? That is an …

Lamestream Enemedia Opened Door For Request to Investigate Obama College Claims Per Wayne Allen Root
The editors at Politico evidently thought they had hit the proverbial jackpot when publishing the false story on Dr. Ben Carson on November 6, 2015. In what can only be dubbed a “gotcha” piece, Politico blasted Dr. Carson claiming his campaign admitted to fabricating the story he was offered a …

Obama Handles Reporters by Locking Them in Sheds, Closets, Prisons But Mocks GOP’s CNBC Criticism
In this video, President Barack Obama mocks the GOP candidates for outing the bias of the CNBC debate moderators. And yet even his running dogs in the media, like the AP, have complained about Obama’s press control and thuggish censorship: Buy All-American! Bring health and vitality back to your body …

Save The Apologies, Just Stop Promoting War!
Usually when politicians apologize, it’s because they have been caught doing something wrong, or they are about to be caught. Such was likely the case with former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, who recently offered an “apology” for the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Blair faces the release of a potentially …