Posts Tagged

sharia law

How do you do background checks on 25,000 people, coming from a terrorist wasteland, in 7 weeks? Google their names? Ask for a resume? If you’re Justin Trudeau, you do nothing…just send out the ‘halal’ welcome wagons, drop to your knees, and praise Allah. The Rebel: Remember: These are the so-called …

Enemedia taqiyya in action. The lockstep media prohibits the discussion of jihad and sharia, in accordance with Islamic law governing speech (do not criticize Islam). An exception is made, of course, when someone in the public eye breaks this universal law of the American press and the Muslim world. Then …

The enemedia is patting itself on the back, congratulating itself with headlines that declare, “Ben Carson Walks Back Anti-Muslim Comments With More Anti-Muslim Comments,” when in fact the subheadline is, “I stand by the comments.” This is the sharia-compliant media at its deadliest. Islamic supremacists and their running dogs in …

In the wake of yesterday’s bombing at the Boston Marathon, I predicted that this would be the work of jihadists. I also understand the idea that the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated our own government as well, which probably explains why Barack Obama wouldn’t address this act immediately as terrorism. However, …