Posts Tagged
walid shoebat

Russia: Muslim Invaders Who Harass And Molest Russian Women Beaten Up By Russian Men
A group of 51 Muslim migrants were brutally assaulted outside a night club in Murmansk, Russia, after they groped and molested women at a night club.

SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY: Muslim Brotherhood Front Group ‘Muslim Student Association’ Demands “Total Ban on Speech Critical of Islam” at the University
The Muslim Student Association at San Diego State University is calling on officials at the public, taxpayer-funded school develop a formal policy outlawing political speech they dislike and commentary about Islam that they find offensive and blasphemous under sharia law. Daily Caller: “We demand that the SDSU administration enact a zero tolerance …

Donald Trump’s Policy of Banning Muslims Infuriates Proudly Wahhabist-Affiliated Huma Abedin
On Monday night, Mrs. Clinton’s longtime aide, Huma Abedin, sent a mass email to supporters titled, “I’m a proud Muslim.” The email was part of Hillary Clinton‘s campaign using Donald J. Trump‘s proposal to ban Muslims from entering the United States as a fund-raising and list-building tool. “I’m a proud Muslim …

LONDON SUBWAY KNIFE ATTACK! Muslim Terrorist Screaming “This is for Syria” Tasered by Police after Slashing Man’s Throat
The politically correct media is calling him “knifeman,” but it’s hard to believe he is anything but a Muslim terrorist. ‘Knifeman’ slashed a man’s throat (and two others) at a busy London tube station and allegedly shouted ‘this is for Syria’ before being tasered by police in what has been …

Muslims Shove Plans for a New Mosque in the Face Virginians in the Wake of the Paris Islamic Terrorist Attacks
But this is what Muslim supremacists do. One opponent stands up and says what most people are thinking but doesn’t have the guts to say: “Nobody wants your evil cult. Every one of you are terrorists. I don’t care what you say. I don’t care what you think.” LA Times: The …

AUSTRALIA: Muslim Thug Tries to Strangle an Orthodox Jewish Rabbi and the Rabbi Nails Him
The video captures the moment when the 39-year-old Muslim terrorist wannabe tries to strangle the Rabbi while screaming at him to “go back to Israel.” It went down outside the Adass Israel Synagogue near Melbourne on November 26 at 7:30pm. Mirror: The Muslim thug was shouting something about Allah and slaps one …

Obama Threatens Veto of Legislation to Screen 10,000 Syrian Refugees
President Obama threatened late Wednesday to veto legislation aimed at screening Syrian refugees, which demands FBI background checks and sign-offs by top officials. So how long will it take Americans to decide if the problem is “Islam” or “radical Islam” or “Hijacked Islam”? These days (after the Paris attacks), both …

Muslims Praise the Paris Jihadists as MARTYRS during Moment of Silence at Turkish and Greece Soccer Game
Before today’s Greece vs. Turkey friendly soccer match in Istanbul, both teams shared a moment of silence to honor the victims of the Paris attacks. UEFA, Europe’s governing soccer body, requested that all European international games hold a minute of silence before the start of their matches and wear black …

Enraged Over Slaughter of French People, French Men Set Muslim Refugee Camp on Fire
Fire has reportedly broken out at the ‘jungle’ refugee camp in the port of Calais in the hours following the terror attacks in Paris. The anti-migrant group known as ‘The Angry of Calais’ posted videos of the inferno on Facebook. Calais migrant camp 'on fire' as France reels from Paris terror …

George Soros Slams Eastern European Countries for Rejecting Illegal Alien Muslim Freeloaders and Jihadists
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban accused Soros, who was born in Hungary, of deliberately facilitating (and probably funding) the invasion of millions of Muslims, in order to destroy the sovereignty of EU nations. “This invasion is driven both by human traffickers and far left wing activists who support anything that weakens the …