WATCH: Fake President Mocks Real Reporter For Asking Him Why He’s Called ‘the Big Guy’
What is this, Joe, third grade? In Old Joe Biden’s dementia-addled mind, it could be. On Thursday, the alleged president responded to an important question from a genuine reporter with aplomb more suited to the playground than the presidency. The New York Post’s Steven Nelson asked the doddering corruptocrat, “Why did the Ukraine/FBI informant file refer to you as the ‘big guy’?”
Mustering all the braggadocio of the man who led the high-tech lynching of Clarence Thomas so long ago, Old Joe sneered, “Why’d you ask such a dumb question?” Tell ‘em, Joe! The worst part was that there were no other real reporters in the room to follow up and hold the old liar’s feet to the fire.
Reporter: "Why did the Ukraine/FBI informant file refer to you as the 'big guy?'"
Biden: "Why'd you ask such a dumb question?"
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) June 15, 2023
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Old Joe has apparently decided to use ridicule and derision to brush aside all tough questions about his corruption. Nelson also asked the putative president, “Are there tapes that you accepted bribes, President Biden? Is that true?” BizPac Review reported Thursday that “instead of answering, Biden stopped, turned around to face the reporter, and was seen grinning. He also appeared to be chuckling to himself but did not actually give any sort of answer. He shook his head as he headed back on his way out of the room.”
It’s an effective tactic that Leftist politicians favor; Hillary Clinton has made copious use of it as well. Faced with an uncomfortable question, the idea is to shake one’s head in disbelief, chuckle (or cackle, in Hillary’s case) at the outlandishness and absurdity of these right-wing attacks, and offer nothing of substance. Far-Left guru Saul Alinsky made it explicit: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.”
Nowadays, with the Left utterly bereft of rational arguments and determined to demean, demonize, and destroy all opposition, ridicule is the only response patriots can expect when they challenge Leftist politicians. Nelson’s question, however, was deserving of a more serious response.
Fox News reported Thursday that “according to a source familiar with the FBI-generated FD-1023 form, a confidential human source told the FBI in a June 2020 interview that Biden, while serving as vice president, was paid $5 million by an executive of the Ukrainian natural gas firm Burisma Holdings, where his son Hunter Biden sat on the board… The Burisma executive reportedly told the confidential source that he ‘didn’t pay the Big Guy directly.’”
We have seen Old Joe called the Big Guy before. Back in July 2022, the New York Post reported that “one of Hunter Biden’s former business partners referred to Joe Biden as ‘the Big Guy’ in a panicked message the same day The Post broke the news of the infamous laptop from hell left behind by the president’s son.” That would be James Gilliar, whom the Post describes as a “former British special forces officer with ties to UK intelligence services.” He sent a message reassuring someone else involved in Old Joe’s dirty dealings that Hunter’s laptop wouldn’t do much damage.
Maybe Gilliar knew about the 51 top intelligence officials who were ready to lie that the whole thing was Russian disinformation. In any case, speaking about the 2020 election, Gilliar said of the Biden camp: “If they lose, honestly, I don’t think that the Big Guy really cares about that because he’ll be too busy focusing on all the other s–t he is doing.”
Gilliar is the one who, back in May 2017, stipulated that Hunter would receive 10% of the proceeds from a joint venture “for the Big Guy.” Meanwhile, one of Hunter’s other ex-business partners, Tony Bobulinski, “publicly declared in October 2020 that ‘big guy’ was a reference to President Biden.”
Anyway, just imagine for a moment how convulsed with self-righteous rage the establishment media would have been if President Trump had asked any reporter why he or she or xe asked such dumb questions. There would have been new calls for impeachment and for the invoking of the 25th Amendment, along with dark warnings about the authoritarian president’s attacks on the freedom of the press constituting a serious threat to “our democracy.” Yet now we have a genuinely authoritarian president who has had his chief opponent arrested and whose disdain for the loyal opposition and the rule of law are obvious, and he is so secure in the knowledge that he will remain unchallenged that he can ridicule with absolute impunity reporters who dare to ask genuine questions.
Really, Joe, why did your corrupt former business partners refer to you as the Big Guy? Your insult of Steven Nelson is a clear demonstration of your absolute contempt for the American people and our genuine concerns. But the question is still awaiting your answer.