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Which One Is Worse, John Lindell Or Mark Driscoll? SHAMEFUL! (Videos)

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“Them that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear.” -1 Timothy 5:20

Last week, a pastor named Mark Driscoll got kicked off stage in Missouri for voicing his disdain for a male stripper who performed on a pole the night before at the opening of pastor John Lindell’s Christian conference.

Driscoll then turned from his disdain, according to the Word of God, then apologizes to John Lindell for calling out the abominable actions that were taking place at his event.

Driscoll appeared back on stage alongside Lindell, apologizing for the way he addressed his concerns.

“I should have…talked to you rather than just verbal processing on the stage,” Driscoll said. “And as the father and the head of the house, you could have given me a thumbs up or down. And I need to honor that as spiritual authority.”

Shameful! Mark Driscoll is absolutely incorrect.

You do not submit to any man’s authority where it violates or undermines the Lord’s authority (Acts 5:29).

The real question should be, why did John Lindell have this man pole dancing at the church in the first place?  Do those who follow John not understand that there is more at play than what he lets onto?  John can stop Mark Driscoll’s reproof (Mark said he didn’t mean it as a reproof) yet, he cannot stop the man from pole dancing with his shirt off?  Really?

It was even reported that James River Church pastor John Lindell threatened to cut ties with preacher Mark Driscoll if he “will not repent” for his actions following the Stronger Men’s Conference this past weekend. These apostates are seriously biblically illiterate as well as pathetic.

These are the men who are leading the Church, not!  This is the blind leading the blind (Mathew 15:14)

Mark needs to ask John if he can obey the Lord in rebuking this incident?  What version of the Bible are these people reading?

Talk about gutting the true Gospel by preaching another Gospel, which in the end brings a curse (Galatians 1:8).

The Word of God is clear:  “Them that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear.”

No wonder why no one can take these hirelings seriously (John 10:12).  It is because they do not take it seriously themselves.  They cannot preach repentance because these apostates have not repented themselves.

The Church is called to be the salt of the earth (Matthew 5:13), and this they will become when they quit partaking with those who are sugarcoating it.

The world is tired of these seeker-friendly, self-appointed hirelings who abide in the good ole boys club, which are good for nothing clubs (Matthew 5:13).

Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media.  Article by Bradlee Dean.

The Washington Standard

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