You Knew It Was Coming: Apple Bans Alex Jones From Its Platform
Love him or hate him, Alex Jone continues to be bamboozled by social media giants, Google and now Apple. Many of us who watched and reported on the attack that is nothing short of a clearly defined conspiracy to silence Jones also knew it wouldn’t be long before Apple would ban him from their app platform, and voila! They have done it.
Late Friday, Apple banned the Infowars app from its App Store.
So, what was the reason Apple banned the app?
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An Apple spokeswoman said the app was removed under company policies that prohibit apps which contain content that is “offensive, insensitive, upsetting, intended to disgust or in exceptionally poor taste,” according to The New York Times.
However, the spokeswoman would not cite any specifics. Of course, not because that is not the real reason. Furthermore, when is Apple going to start banning apps that are actually offensive, insensitive, upsetting, intended to disgust or in exceptionally poor taste?
I’m sure lots of people would fall into any number of those categories with apps like:
- iAmAMan – The app allows men to track their girlfriend’s menstrual cycle, and “helps to avoid misunderstandings and preserve your relationship.” The app has received criticism for allowing the tracking of several women at the same time, and for claiming it can help men predict their girlfriend’s “mood” so they can “save money” on dates.
- Sexy Bikini Fart – This app did not just deliver bikini farts, it delivered “sexy” bikini farts from hot sexy girls who like to talk dirty.
- Phone Story – The game features four minigames where players must force children to mine coltan, and stop employees from committing suicide.
- PhantomAlert – an app that helps you commit crimes
- The Stalqer – an app that lets you stalk your co-workers
And there’s much more.
In any case, it’s clear that there is a conspiracy behind the scenes. I’m referencing the classical definition of conspiracy for those out there who read and have been brainwashed by the neo-cons and Communists that any mention of “conspiracy” by someone makes that person a candidate for a mental health facility.
Webster’s 1828 Dictionary defines conspiracy:
CONSPIRACY, n. [L. See Conspire.]
1. A combination of men for an evil purpose; an agreement between two or more persons, to commit some crime in concert; particularly, a combination to commit treason, or excite sedition or insurrection against the government of a state; a plot; as a conspiracy against the life of a king; a conspiracy against the government. More than forty had made this conspiracy. Acts 23.
2. In law, an agreement between two or more persons, falsely and maliciously to indict, or procure to be indicted, an innocent person of felony.
3. A concurrence; a general tendency of two or more causes to one event.
Tyler Durden reports:
Jones and his empire have also been banned from YouTube, Facebook, Google Podcast, Spotify, iHeartRadio, MailChimp, Disqus, Linkedin, Flickr, Pinterest and several others in what silicon valley swears wasn’t a coordinated “unpersoning” of Jones.
“Because I play devil’s advocate, because I play both sides, they’ve taken me out of context, they are using me as a test case to try to bring an EU style web censorship,” Jones said several weeks ago. “They’ve got mainline Democratic senators saying they ought to restrict Fox News, Tucker Carlson, Matt Drudge, the President himself. They are misrepresenting what I’ve said and done and are using that to set a precedent for internet wide de-platforming, censorship beyond what Russia does, what China does, ahead of the midterms (election). The whole thing is fake.”
Apple’s app removal comes just over a month after the company removed his from the iTunes service on Aug. 5, while leaving his app in the App Store.
Apple users who have already downloaded the Infowars app will not be affected. Google, meanwhile, has allowed the Infowars app to remain available to Android users, which runs around 80% of the world’s smartphones.
On Thursday, one day after Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey appeared on Capitol Hill to tell lawmakers how his company doesn’t discriminate against conservatives, the company permanently banned Jones from the platform for insults hurled at CNN’s Oliver Darcy on Wednesday.
Those comments were captured on video.
Durden also pointed out, “Oddly, Darcy tweeted an article about Jones’s banning within 60 seconds of Twitter’s announcement. A collusion of sorts? Someone has thin skin.”
Twitter and CNN's Oliver Darcy both announced the Alex Jones news at precisely 4:47pm. Interesting
— Michael Tracey (@mtracey) September 7, 2018
Of course, it was collusion.
Jones blasted the corporate owned media for not standing up for the First Amendment, as well as Democrats and Republicans for not protecting it either. Take a listen.
None of this will stop people from listening to Jones. In fact, it will only add to his listening and viewing audience. You’re still able to download the Infowars app for your Android smartphone by clicking here. Perhaps it’s time to rethink future purchases of Apple products.
I downloaded the app despite the fact that I rarely listen or watch Infowars anymore. I did so simply to show support for freedom of speech.
Stand fast patriots. Jones is just the beginning, they are coming for us next.
Article posted with permission from Freedom Outpost