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Your Representatives Will Not Defend The Law & Protect The People! Let Me Show You Who They Will Defend…

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“The best way to believe any politician is to merely listen to what they say without judging them by the fruit that they bear (Matthew 7:16-20). They depend upon it!

Recently, a friend of mine sent over a new bill being presented by the said Republicans in defense of their political idol, Donald Trump.  This is what it said:

Minnesota Senate Republicans introduced SF2589, a bill proposing to classify “Trump Derangement Syndrome” (TDS) as a recognized mental illness. The bill defines TDS as an “acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal persons” triggered by reactions to Donald J. Trump’s policies and presidency.

Symptoms include intense verbal hostility toward Trump and potential aggression against his supporters. The bill aims to amend Minnesota statutes to include this definition in sections related to mental health services and diagnostics, effectively treating it as a clinically recognizable condition.

When looking at such an introduction to such a dangerous bill, one should ask, who is behind this?

We are told that it is the Republicans who mean to defend Donald Trump.  What is it exactly that they mean to defend?

Donald Trump Business indictments.

Donald Trump Sexual Misconduct Charges.

This comes from the same Donald Trump, along with Jeffrey Epstein, who was accused of assaulting a 13-year-old girl (Luke 17:2).

A federal lawsuit filed in California in April 2016 against Trump and Jeffrey Epstein by a California woman alleged that the two men sexually assaulted her at a series of parties at Epstein’s Manhattan residence in 1994 when she was 13 years old. Court papers are available online.

This is the same Donald Trump, along with Rudy Giuliani (America’s mayor) dressed up as a woman to participate in New York’s gay pride parade.  Giuliani is just another one sold to you as the “good guy” by the same mainstream media that disseminates lies 24-7.

This is the same Donald Trump who promotes drag and transgenders in his pageants (Deuteronomy 22:5).

Trump also calls himself the “most pro-gay president” in history.

This is the same Donald Trump who told the American people that it would be so easy to eradicate the national debt.  Yet, he raised it by 8.4 trillion dollars before leaving office (Proverbs 19:9).

This is the same Donald Trump that tripled support for Muslims (those that mainstream media sold to us as the responsible party for the downing of the Twin Towers in New York on September 11, 2001) within the United States (Deuteronomy 28:36).

U.S. Funding of Islamist “Charity” Groups Triples Under Trump

This is the same Donald Trump who handed American students over to the United Nations’ agenda under Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos (Hosea 4:6) after telling Americans that he would eradicate the unconstitutional education system.

DeVos Signs on to Globalist UN Education Agenda for U.S.

This is the same Donald Trump who called himself the most “pro-life president” in American history while simultaneously increasing and reallocating taxpayer dollars to the murderous organization Planned Parenthood (2 Kings 24:4).

This is the same Donald Trump who calls himself the most Second Amendment president in American history who watched as 26 governors signed onto over 55 unlawful legislative acts undermining the Second Amendment (1 Samuel 13:22).  Are you paying attention?

‘Not Coming for Your Guns?’ Since Parkland Shooting, 26 States Have Passed 55 Gun Control Laws

This is the same Donald Trump who, under the guise of “National Security,” signed off on his first omnibus bill in funding America’s sworn enemies with taxpayer dollars.

$1.3 Trillion Omnibus Bill Sold As “National Security” – Funds Avowed To America’s Enemies

This is the same Donald Trump that has been converted to Judaism in service to the Rothschild modern-day Israel (Revelation 3:9).  Just ask Jacob Rothschild.

The Transition & Betrayal Of Your Representatives & Revision Of Modern History Is Happening Right Under Your Noses (Videos)

Who Is This Administration Working For? See For Yourself… Jacob Rothschild: My Family Created (Modern-Day) Israel (Video)

Most recently, the same Donald Trump, along with Elon Musk and Klaus Schwab, would like to put a chip in your brain as a tracking device and said, “It works for everyone” (Revelation 13:17).

Klaus Schwab, Elon Musk & Donald Trump Want To Put A Chip In Your Brain, Ask Them…”It’s For Everyone!” (Video)

How does anyone in their right mind defend such a scoundrel as this outside of the fact that they must be just as guilty as him?

They will defend Donald Trump and his crimes.  Yet, they will not uphold God’s laws (Exodus 20) in condemning the wicked and justifying the righteous the way they promised that they would (Deuteronomy 25:1).  Quite telling.

He Has Already Shown You Who He Is – It Is His Supporters That Need to Be Converted

Maybe this explains why we have a pedophile from Nebraska in Minnesota as the said governor named Tim Walz.

This is the same one that has attacked small businesses and created thousands of policies out of thin air during the plandemic to force people into their homes and shut down school graduations.  Walz also committed treason by alluring illegals into the state and signed a bill that kidnaps children (Exodus 21:16) and criminally brings them across state lines.  He did this with a little boy dressed as a girl standing next to him.  These are felonious crimes. The list goes on with this criminal which Minnesotans call a governor, and the said representatives in Minnesota who want to defend Donald Trump are the very ones who fail to deal with treasonous Tim Walz.  This is political idolatry (Acts 12:22)!

Where are the articles of impeachment (Article II, Section 4)?  Where are the prosecutions in bringing this criminal to pay for his crimes (Article I, Section 3, Clause 7)?

Why Are So Many Talking Around What Needs To Be Lawfully Done When It Comes To The Crimes Of Our Representatives? Are They Above The Law? (Video)

Maybe this will help.

The people in this country need to take responsibility and hold their said representatives accountable to the very Law they swore that they would uphold (Numbers 30:2; Deuteronomy 23:23; Ecclesiastes 5:4).

Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media

Tim Brown

Tim Brown is a Christian and lover of liberty, a husband to his "more precious than rubies" wife, father of 10 "mighty arrows" and jack of all trades. He lives in the US-Occupied State of South Carolina, is the Editor at SonsOfLibertyMedia.com, GunsInTheNews.com and TheWashingtonStandard.com. and SettingBrushfires.com; and also broadcasts on The Sons of Liberty radio weekdays at 6am EST and Saturdays at 8am EST. Follow Tim on Twitter. Also check him out on Gab, Minds, and USALife.
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