Home»US»45-Year-Old Husband & Father Of Two Dies 10 Days After Experimental COVID Injection

45-Year-Old Husband & Father Of Two Dies 10 Days After Experimental COVID Injection

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This is another in a long line of unsuspecting, naive people who have taken the Big Pharma, corporate-owned Mockingbird media and corrupt politicians-proclaimed “safe and effective” experimental COVID gene-altering injection. Now, a woman is a widow and two children are fatherless due to the conspiracy of the Center for Disease Control, the Food and Drug Administration, Big Pharma, corrupt politicians and the corporate-owned media knowingly withholding information from the public and pimping their poison shots, and he was only 45!

The Empowerer reports:

Anthony Nguyen Kha Huy, Age 45, Dead 10 Days After Covid Vaccine

Anthony received his covid vaccine on April 20th according to his brother-in-law Phuong Tran. He passed away 10 days later at the age of 45. Family suspects the vaccine caused his death.

Friends and family have used gofundme as a resource to raise money for his wife and their two young children. They have received a lot of support.


Judging by social media posts, this man and his family are very loved. He will be greatly missed.

According to the GoFundMe page:

Hi everyone!

I’m glad to find this place where all the people with big hearts gather.

My wife’s sister just lost her husband, a father of two kids, from blood clot that could potentially be caused by the covid vaccine.

Here is their story.

He just celebrated his birthday last month in March, lived a happy and healthy life with his family. He had done a good job staying at home, avoiding social gatherings, following all covid guidelines, working hard to make the home environment safe for his 2 kids and wife. He was the breadwinner of the family while his wife was unemployed.

When the covid vaccine became available, it was his high hope, and the only ticket to protect his family from covid and put an end to this pandemic. So he went to get the covid vaccine on Tuesday April 20th when he became eligible. After a couple days, his body started to react. He was sweating heavily, he had chest pain, his body went numb and cold, he went to the ER but was discharged because the doctors didn’t find his condition to be critical. His condition got worse and worse, until he could no longer endure it and collapsed. When arrived at the hospital, they found that blood couldn’t flow to any of his organs, his organs were failing and his brain was damaged. His body pretty much died by the time he got to the hospital without any hope of recovery. All signs were shown as a result of blood clot.

In order to confirm and determine the true cause, an autopsy was needed but his wife and family decided not to proceed and leave him at peace. They accepted the fact that these companies were already working hard to make the covid vaccine available for the world and this one out of the millions chance is their fate.

Now his wife is left with two young kids, 2 and 4 years of age. He didn’t have life insurance. She will now have to pay for mortgage, daycare and support her kids on her own because they lost their father, the only source of income.

They are good people. She doesn’t even know I’m making this GoFundMe for them because I know she won’t approve of it, that’s why I’m not including their name, nor the vaccine that he got.

I think it is not fair for them to lose their dad just like that, and especially, possibly from the covid vaccine’s side effects without getting any compensation. That’s the path they chose and I respected that. Our family far and near contributed, but I would really wish for your help to support her by giving your hearts to make her life easier to raise the kids on her own.

I really really appreciate your help!!

Sadly, Anthony Nguyen Kha Huy is the latest in a long line of people who have been lied to about the COVID genocide jab. Now, his family suffers as the result of criminal drug manufacturers and their willing accomplices in murder in the media and politicians continue to reap the dollars those kills the shots are producing. When will the people awaken and start holding these criminals to account?

Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media

Tim Brown

Tim Brown is a Christian and lover of liberty, a husband to his "more precious than rubies" wife, father of 10 "mighty arrows" and jack of all trades. He lives in the US-Occupied State of South Carolina, is the Editor at SonsOfLibertyMedia.com, GunsInTheNews.com and TheWashingtonStandard.com. and SettingBrushfires.com; and also broadcasts on The Sons of Liberty radio weekdays at 6am EST and Saturdays at 8am EST. Follow Tim on Twitter. Also check him out on Gab, Minds, and USALife.
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