And Now American Troops Enter…. Syria
For the last several years, one has wondered how long it would take. How much would the military establishment take before it sent troops into the fight in Syria? And, though the administration has vowed that they had no intention to put boots on the ground, there has been no doubt that this would be the final outcome. Now, as Russia has entered the fight, we see that America has raised the stakes.
Reuters reports:
The United States disclosed plans on Friday to station its first ground troops in Syria for the war against Islamic State, saying dozens of U.S. soldiers would be sent as advisers to groups fighting the militants.
Washington announced the small special operations force shortly before 17 countries, the European Union and the United Nations called for a nationwide truce in Syria’s civil war at talks in Vienna, attended for the first time since the conflict began in 2011 by President Bashar al-Assad’s ally Iran.
This is the military equivalent to the camel slipping his nose into the tent. Once this begins, it will not be long before the U.S. has a full military presence in Syria. And just like Iraq and Afghanistan before, we must ask the hard questions. What are our stated goals? What is our exit strategy? What is the real plan here?
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Reuters continues:
In Washington, U.S. officials said the small special forces contingent in Syria would work with local “moderate rebel” groups to fight against Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, and that it should not be considered a combat mission.
“The president has been quite clear that there is no military solution to the problems that are plaguing Iraq and Syria. There is a diplomatic one,” White House spokesman Josh Earnest said in Washington.
The problem that the U.S. faces in Syria is multifaceted. First, we see that the U.S. plan has failed. The U.S.-backed rebels have failed to push either Assad or ISIS out of the country. They have also failed to bring the support that was originally thought. Many of the so called moderates have either switched to ISIS or given their U.S. equipment to Al Qaeda.
There is also the problem America faces with Russia and Assad. Russia has openly shown America’s lack of commitment to fight in or for Syria. They have repeatedly backed down from the Russians. This has weakened our position and strengthened Assad and ISIS.
Fox reports:
In Washington, U.S. officials said the small special forces contingent in Syria would work with local “moderate rebel” groups to fight against Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, and that it should not be considered a combat mission.
“The president has been quite clear that there is no military solution to the problems that are plaguing Iraq and Syria. There is a diplomatic one,” White House spokesman Josh Earnest said in Washington.
This, once again, shows the world that America is seeking to nation build without a clear plan to finish the job. And, again, Obama is guilty of acting too late.
*Article by Michael Ware