As Most Act As If This Just Isn’t Going To Happen To Them: Where Is Law Enforcement? (Video)
“You cannot even make up that which the people in this country are giving a pass.”
Regardless, if the law and statutes are on the books, it seems more than not that law enforcement is standing down when it comes to the crimes being committed against children, namely in the public school system (Proverbs 17:15).
Maybe it comes back to hypocrisies of the 86% of those who call themselves Christians, patriots and/or conservatives that are sending their kids to be raised up their sworn enemies (Matthew 23:3)? I’m speaking about public schools that should not even exist.
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“You cannot even make up that which the people in this country are giving a pass.”
This video will bring to the light the blatant, obvious, criminal agenda being aimed at our kids (Luke 17:2).
Again, I ask, where are the American people to enforce the law against these felonious crimes (psalm 94:16)?
These are some titles of illegal pornographic materials being exposed to American children.
Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media. Article by Bradlee Dean.