Home»US»Bill Gates: We Need “Pandemic Fire Squads” To Control You In The Post COVID-19 World

Bill Gates: We Need “Pandemic Fire Squads” To Control You In The Post COVID-19 World

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Bill Gates just keeps doubling down on tyranny despite the fact that no one likes this guy or even cares what he has to say. But in the “post-COVID-19 world,” Gates insists we need to be controlled with “pandemic fire squads” in case there’s another scamdemic.

Another question that needs to be answered is why the hell are they preparing for the post-COVID-19 world? Are they ready to unleash COVID-21?

Gates and his wife, Melinda, detailed their new plandemic idea in their annual letter, which was released last Wednesday. But the Twitter video perhaps brought the implications home for observers in a more powerful way. It shows Gates moving around small figurines like chess pieces on a world map.

Gates took to talking to the general public like we are imbecilic children incapable of understanding.  The figures depict humans of various races, and Gates positions them “to spot disease outbreaks, as soon as they happen, anywhere in the world.” If the so-called “global alert system” identifies a new infectious pathogen, teams of first responders, like “pandemic firefighters,” will rush to the location to contain the outbreak, Gates said, using toy planes, helicopters, and figurines in protective yellow suits to illustrate his point.

Stopping the next pandemic will require a big investment, but I think of this as the best insurance policy the world could buy,” Gates said. And yet, no one liked what he had to say, according to a report by RT.  It sure appears that the general public is tired of being obedient slaves.

It didn’t help that Gates blocked comments on his Twitter page, except from people he follows. “So confident is Bill of preventing bulls**t pandemics, he turns his replies off,” commenter Andy Bird said. “Propaganda.”

Gates has also suggested that social media platforms need to help censor any attacks against his ludicrous ideas. People aren’t allowed to openly express their desire for freedom.  Gates wants slavery to be your only option.

For a guy who claims he just wants to help, Gates is getting a lot of backlash.  Listen, Gates, people hate you. A lot. No amount of talking is helping. Just do Earth and humanity a favor, leave us all alone and stop opening your mouth.  People have figured it out and your plans for the totalitarian enslavement of all humans will fail.

Article posted with permission from Mac Slavo

The Washington Standard

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