Bradlee Dean Is A Heretic: And I Will Continue To Be So If That Is Why I Am A Heretic!
“If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall be put to death; their blood is upon them.” -Leviticus 20:13
I’m just getting back from the great state of Michigan after speaking at 6 events back-to-back in 6 days. I love being spent, no doubt (Luke 17:33).
During my time there, I was sitting and speaking with one of my friends who had brought up a man that I have never met before nor have ever talked to before that had said that I was a heretic. It didn’t take me one second to come to the conclusion to what it may be as to why he thought I was a heretic, and what it may be that he was, and is, advocating. Sure enough, I was correct in my assumption.
Bradlee Dean is a heretic for preaching out against the sodomite communities that have relentlessly target America’s children.
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One has to ask the question: Why is he advocating for the sodomite agenda, which the Lord clearly condemns?
My response was, “Then I am a heretic! And will continue to be so by the grace of God!” (Ephesians 5:11)
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Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media. Article by Bradlee Dean.