Home»US»California High School Newspaper Publishes Praise For Hitler

California High School Newspaper Publishes Praise For Hitler

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Hitler youth is not hyperbolic.

Photo: C.K. McClatchy High School’s newspaper editors.

C.K. McClatchy High School’s paper published remarks praising Hitler. in the spring edition. The Sacramento high school newspaper has been hit with backlash after publishing an article saying ‘Hitler had some good ideas’ in its newspaper’s Spring edition.

The Prospector printed an offhand remark allegedly made by a student, who said ‘Hitler’s got some good ideas’ in a Government class.

No one has been held responsible. The school has taken no action. This is how the terrible events of history come to fruition, good people do nothing.

The Prospector printed an offhand remark allegedly made by a student, who said ‘Hitler’s got some good ideas’ in a Government class.

After one of the paper’s editors heard the shocking comment, it was included in the ‘What did you say’ section – a feature that states ‘some of the weirdest stuff’ overheard on campus. (Daily Mail)

Student Newspaper Publishes Quote Praising Hitler

By Todd Starnes, May 10, 2024;

The student newspaper at McClatchy High School in Sacramento, California is facing a big time controversy.

The Prospector newspaper published a quote in the most recent edition praising Hitler.

“Hitler’s got some good ideas.” – That’s the anonymous quote that was printed on the back page of the newspaper.

Part of a story about weird things overheard in the school’s hallways.

The student staff later posted a statement saying the quote did not reflect their ideals or beliefs. But they were glad it sparked a conversation on how students choose their words.

“We recognize the impact of our words do not match the intent, and this has impacted a lot of individuals,” the students wrote in a statement, “especially when addressing the sensitive issue of antisemitism.”

Article posted with permission from Pamela Geller

The Washington Standard

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