Home»Videos»Canada “Needs Products… In Support Of Response To COVID-19”: Orders “Programmable Hydraulic Guillotines”

Canada “Needs Products… In Support Of Response To COVID-19”: Orders “Programmable Hydraulic Guillotines”

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It’s bizarre, but true.  BuyandSell.gc.ca, the Public Works and Services Canada website, has entered a tender notice to purchase programmable hydraulic guillotines as part of the products and services it “needs” “in support of Canada’s response to COVID-19.

Here is a screenshot from the website.

The listing number is 45045-190091/A.

Solicitation document #ABES.PROD.PW__PD.B005.E78707.EBSU000 reveals additional details about the bid request:

The bid document lists technical requirements for the guillotines, under a heading called “Guillotines Mandatory Requirements:”

  • The Guillotine’s cutting and clamping systems must be fully hydraulic;
  • The Guillotine’s automatic blade and clamp must return from every position to its original
    starting position;
  • The Guillotine’s blade depth adjustment(s) must be achievable from outside of the
  • The Guillotine’s measurement readout must be in imperial measurement;
  • The Guillotine’s blade changing tool, wrenches/screwdrivers and cutting block must be
    provided for each Guillotine;

The document also calls for a “1 year parts and labour warranty” to make sure the guillotine continues running smoothly so that the chopping isn’t interrupted.

Some may think this is a preparation to deal with animals, such as the minx in Denmark that are alleged to have infected humans.

Clearly, if government wants to execute people, there are far quicker methods and even those that could render plausible deniability, but it is interesting that programmable guillotines are being ordered by the Canadian government.

What should also be of note is the COVID camps being constructed in Canada being silenced, as well.

Lance Johnson reported last month:

Justin Trudeau and the Canadian government are creating Nazi Germany-like infrastructure to detain human beings en masse, and for years to come. A brave Ontario politician named Randy Hillier spoke out about the government’s nefarious detainment plan in a provincial question period in front of the government of Ontario. His microphone was cut off as soon as he started asking the tough questions.

The Canadian government is erecting a network of detainment camps and isolation sites to be used from coast to coast. These “Federal Quarantine/Isolation sites” are being built across the provinces and will be used to strip Canadians of their human rights and lock healthy people up using false imprisonment schemes. These sites could be used for forced medical testing and forced medical experimentation with covid-19 vaccines. If Canadians can be held down against their will over the fear that they may spread viruses, then these facilities could be used indefinitely and for whatever reason is deemed necessary to maintain an illusion of safety for the “greater good.”

Brave rep stands up and questions Canadian government’s nefarious plans

Randy Hillier, Independent Ontario MPP for Lanark, Frontenac and Kingston, stood up and questioned the government, asking how many people will be detained and how many concentration camps are scheduled for construction. He expressed concern about their current use — to control the spread of covid-19 — and pointed out in documentation that these sites could be used for “other requirements” in the future.

“So your government must be in negotiations and aware of these plans to potentially detain and isolate citizens and residents of our country and our province,” Hillier began. “So speaker, to the Premier, where will these camps be built, how many people will be detained, and for what reason, for what reasons can people be kept in these isolation camps, and I’d like to have the Premier assure the people of Ontario…,” Hillier’s microphone was cut off before he could finish.

Hillier reports that the government has dodged his questions since July. “The expansion of isolation/quarantine camps in Canada is something of concern and the Ontario government must know about it, so why won’t they tell the people of Ontario?” he asked.

Canadian government prepping for resistance to new detainment sites

According to a request for information, the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) is currently managing eleven quarantine isolation sites across Canada, which includes sites in Calgary, Vancouver, Kelowna, Winnipeg, Regina, Toronto, Montreal, Halifax, Fredericton, St. John’s (Newfoundland), and Whitehorse. Each site can be used to detain up to 1,600 travelers for up to fourteen days at a time. The sites can be “temporarily discontinued until needed again by the Government of Canada.” The facilities may be used for “other requirements” for the next two years, as deemed necessary to safeguard the public health.

The detainment plan doesn’t end there. In addition, the Canadian government lists each territory and province as a potential region for delivery of new “Federal Quarantine/Isolation sites.” PHAC  listed the following territories and provinces as areas of concern that will host the new quarantine camps: Saskatoon, Windsor, Niagara, Ottawa, Winnipeg/Thunder Bay, Quebec City, Charlottetown, Iqaluit, and Yellowknife. The Canadian government is also looking for third party service providers to develop a strategy to manage the sites going forward. Government contracts are being set in motion to supply the sites with goods and services.

The government is preparing for resistance, too. One of the supply contracts includes a 36,000-canister order of tear gas, which is set to be delivered in the Spring of 2021 to the Canadian Forces Ammunition Depot in Dundurn, Saskatchewan. This is the general time frame when covid-19 vaccines become more widely available to the public. The World Health Organization has already primed the public to accept the detainment camps as “a public health measure” and has previously broadcast that “vaccine hesitancy” is a global public health threat.

Mike Adams at Natural News asks, “Is this bid for industrial use, or something more sinister?”

A skeptic might look at this government bid and conclude it must be a bid for cutting equipment to be used in cutting books, stacks of papers or posters. One of the companies involved in the bid appears to be a printing company, for example. But wouldn’t that also be the perfect cover story for acquiring actual guillotines intended for a more sinister purpose?

Given that Canada is already in the process of constructing covid “concentration camps” — while touting this guillotine bid as part of “Canada’s response to COVID-19,” many people will have serious questions about the intended use of these devices as well as the language used to describe them.

If these were merely industrial cutting machines, wouldn’t the listing just say, “Cutting Machine” instead of “Guillotines?”

And given the history of guillotines being used during radical left-wing revolutions in France, many people are wondering whether China’s corruption of modern-day Canada — including its French-speaking regions — means that China is planning to round up and execute anyone resisting communist influences in Canada. With Justin Trudeau now appearing to be a political puppet of China — much like Joe Biden — and with Chinese troops already staged in Western Canada, these are no longer idle questions.

See this important story: Western Canada has already fallen to Communist China – America may have a chance, but only if it stands united.

Dave Hodges of The Commonsense Show recently published an article describing plans to round up Americans and incarcerate them in Canadian concentration camps run by communist Chinese. That article explains:

Steve Quayle and myself have been investigating a three-nation deal involving Communist China, Canada and  the United States. The deal has now expanded to NATO forces, living in American bases that were closed during the Bush Sr., era. The CSS has also learned that their is some UN involvement as well. The agreements have to do with ridding America’s new Harris-Biden administration of any and all. Unfortunately, the interview that is presented below on this topic is a work in progress. The implications of this interview is frightening as it promises an international, state-sponsored genocidal program against “deplorables” who will oppose the real new world order.

As all this is happening, Trudeau is accelerating Canada’s gun control and gun confiscation efforts to make sure that Canadian citizens have no ability to fight back when the government comes to their homes and kidnaps them, depositing them in Canada’s COVID concentration camps.

Americans, on the other hand, will never give up their guns. Count on it.

I guess we’ll find out soon enough the reason for these devices.

Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media

Tim Brown

Tim Brown is a Christian and lover of liberty, a husband to his "more precious than rubies" wife, father of 10 "mighty arrows" and jack of all trades. He lives in the US-Occupied State of South Carolina, is the Editor at SonsOfLibertyMedia.com, GunsInTheNews.com and TheWashingtonStandard.com. and SettingBrushfires.com; and also broadcasts on The Sons of Liberty radio weekdays at 6am EST and Saturdays at 8am EST. Follow Tim on Twitter. Also check him out on Gab, Minds, and USALife.
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