Home»US»CIA Whistleblower Kevin Shipp: ‘Hillary Clinton Was And Is Running A Global Financial Criminal Syndicate’

CIA Whistleblower Kevin Shipp: ‘Hillary Clinton Was And Is Running A Global Financial Criminal Syndicate’

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Former CIA Officer and whistleblower Kevin Shipp says the reason for all the crime and treason at the FBI and DOJ can be boiled down to one thing: a global financial crime spree.  “Hillary Clinton was running and is running a global financial criminal syndicate,” and Shipp believes Barack Obama was in on it.

Shipp believes that this entire scandal, which will likely end up being the biggest in American history, could result in a Constitutional crisis. In an interview with USA Watchdog‘s Greg Hunter, Shipp contends, “There could be a Constitutional crisis in that we could see Congressmen, Senators, former Directors of the FBI, and the CIA perp walked after they receive charges. Could you imagine if senior DOJ officials were arrested, some Congressmen and Senators were arrested and other government officials were arrested on charges and walked out of office?  That’s the Constitutional crisis I am talking about.  Those kinds of high-level arrests would shake up this nation.  It would be huge, and that’s why it has taken so long and methodical in doing this.”

To begin, Shipp just lays it out, as plain as day, and it’s not difficult to understand.

“Hillary Clinton was running and is running a global financial criminal syndicate.  She was using these secret servers to conduct Clinton financial money laundering business.  The shocking thing about that is all the former directors of the CIA that have come out to support her, from Clapper to Brennan to Morell even Robert Gates supporting her being elected, knew about this criminal syndicate.  Comey was protecting it.  Lynch was protecting it.  Weissmann was protecting it.  And that is the big why.  What’s she got on these people?  Are they financial ties?  They had to be aware of this, especially the counter-intelligence units.  We know it was hacked into by foreign intelligence services because it was just hanging out there.  Hillary Clinton was running a secret server outside the Department of State for the purposes of laundering money through the criminal Clinton Foundation.”

Hunter then asks Shipp if he feels that this could be the next “anvil to drop on the toe” of Hillary Clinton and her criminal buddies.

“It’s not just an anvil, I think it is a mountain and the nexus of everything.  This “Clinton Global Initiative” (CGI) is worldwide, and it’s been out there for a couple of decades.  It has now, of course, intertwined former Directors of the CIA and FBI.   George Soros is a part of it.  It’s connected to all kinds of global financial institutions…These people have been backing her, protecting her…James Comey protected Hillary Clinton from prosecution of multiple espionage laws…They have to be connected to this because they are completly witting of the whole thing.

[The global charity fraud is] at least a $100 billion and it connects into a whole lot of things… All these people protecting and defending Hillary Clinton and knowing about her criminal syndicate, this goes into the so-called “Deep State” of our government, and it is connected, involved and intertwined in the global criminal crime syndicate called the Clinton Foundation.  This is probably going to be the biggest scandal in U.S. history–once it’s busted.  I think they are quietly working on it now, and I think they have been for the last year.  It is so huge the arrests and indictments could cause a Constitutional crisis with some people being removed.  Maybe that’s why they are moving slowly.  It all comes back down to the Clinton Foundation and the criminal syndicate.”

When Hunter asked who all was involved in this money laundering scandal, the regular players’ names surfaced, like George Soros. But Shipp also named Barack Obama as a culprit after Hunter specifically asked if the former president was also involved.

“Yes, I am absolutely convinced of it.  George Soros gave $30 million to Obama’s campaign.  Then he gave $27.1 million to Hillary Clinton’s campaign.  Both Obama and Clinton are tied directly into George Soros.  Obama was put into office with millions of dollars that came out of nowhere.  Yes, he’s part of this cabal.  Yes, he’s part of this global syndicate, and in my opinion, the subversion of our government.”

For more information about Kevin Shipp and his background, please visit his website at For The Love Of Freedom.

Article posted with permission from SHTFPlan

The Washington Standard

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