Home»World»Climate Change Modified mRNA Jabs On The Horizon For Animals & Humans

Climate Change Modified mRNA Jabs On The Horizon For Animals & Humans

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Who can forget some of the old Hollywood, before it became Hollyweird, classic black and white films depicting “mad scientists” working on their next “creation” to unleash upon mankind to cause all manner of inflictions? Unfortunately, today, you don’t have to remember these types of films because you are living through history where scientists are doing just that. These “scientists” are being funded by climate change globalists like billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates.

Globalist climate fanatics like Gates are working on getting everyone on the planet injected with “climate change jabs”, they are calling “vaccines”.

Right now, they are already injecting meat animals with climate jabs, claiming these are necessary to keep the animals “safe” from fictitious diseases. Eventually, they will proceed to start jabbing you and your family with the same “vaccines,” assuming you let them.

Technocracy.news writer Yudi Sherman warned back in January that the only way to stop these “genetic maniacs” from destroying the human race with their mystery chemical injections is to “take away their keycards and their containment suits, immediately escort them out of their laboratories, permanently ban them from any other scientific research for life, and then raze the buildings to the ground.”

If it sounds extreme, consider the fact that a company called ArkeaBio just raised $26.5 million in Series A seed funding to begin developing climate jabs for the human masses. You can be sure that once these injections are ready to go, there will be another “pandemic” or “emergency” to predicate their forced use.

If you recall correctly, some predicted that once the gene therapy injection “genie” was released from the bottle, it would be used for all future injections misnamed “vaccines”. Now, with the adoption of the amendments to the International Health Regulations by the World Health Assembly, mandatory jabs for the fictitious “global warming/climate change” are closer than people realize.

Arkeabio is already in the process of developing a “vaccine” that these insane scientists contend “will stop cows and other meat animals from releasing methane emissions, i.e., passing gas.”

The claim is that the shots will alter the animals’ immune systems in such a way as to create antibodies that target methane-producing microbes.

ArkeaBio secured its first major investment in late 2022 from Breakthrough Energy Ventures, an investment fund founded by Bill Gates.

“Our vaccination-based approach allows for much-needed decarbonization of global meat and dairy products across multiple geographies, supporting greater sustainability in agriculture,” the company’s website explains.

ArkeaBio has not announced any plans to create a human version of its anti-fart injection, but another company called Gingko Bioworks has. Gingko, which is also funded by Gates, is pushing to develop mRNA (modRNA) injections that it says will help to stop the planet from warming.

In other words, these companies funded in part by Bill Gates are going to produce an autoimmune disease in food animals that will target the gut microbiome. A healthy gut microbiome is key to a healthy immune system, which includes methane-producing microbes. Animals as well as humans need methane-producing microbes to aid in the digestion of food so nutrients can be absorbed into the body through the intestinal lining. They also aid in the movement of waste products (what the body cannot use) through the intestines to be excreted.

These gene therapy injections being developed by ArkeaBio and Gingko will surely have similar consequences to the CONvid-1984 injections, endangering the meat food supply further by creating sick, unhealthy animals and killing others. You can imagine this would be similar in the human population. Remember, these injections will have nothing to do with “arresting climate change” through minimizing or stopping methane emissions from animals and humans. CONvid-1984 injections proved these modified mRNA injections were not about providing immunity, preventing transmission, etc. These “climate change jabs” will be nothing more than another “depop” shot.

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has expressed support for the plan, stating it is a “critical response to the climate crisis.”

“In the face of climate change, vaccines play a crucial but underestimated role,” wrote British pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) back in December on its website.

AstraZeneca, maker of a shamed and now-pulled-from-the-market viral vector Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine, also wants in on the gravy train by manufacturing its own climate jabs as well.

Two months prior, Thomas Triomphe, executive vice president of vaccines at rival Sanofi, wrote an entire article called “Vaccine innovation is a critical response to the climate crisis” that expresses the same interest in developing climate injections.

This tells the entire story. The WEF is in on the plan as well as Big Pharma companies like GlaxoSmithKline, Sanofi, and AstraZeneca. It’s a kill-two-birds-with-one-stone scenario – make tons of money through “forced injections” utilizing the World Health Organization International Health Regulations and more swiftly depopulation of humans and much of the meat animals to feed them. Remember, no animals the globalist depopulation-supporting cabal will consume will be affected and neither will they because neither they nor their animals will be injected with this poisonous soup.

The author of the piece, Ethan Huff, opined, “The only type of ‘climate change’ these demons are trying to stop is their own change from rich to poor as their corrupt financial and war empire implodes on itself. Big Pharma will die unless it continues to churn out new injections for every made-up disease under the sun, the latest being so-called climate change.”

More aptly, Big Pharma will die unless it has mandated subjects for every new injection it churns out for every made-up disease that is “created” by hook or by crook. When it comes to the evil cabal trying to “stop their own change from rich to poor as their corrupt financial and war empire implodes on itself”, these entities are securing their wealth by acquiring “tangible” physical assets. The financial and war empire was instituted to control, manipulate, and eventually kill humans they consider lesser than themselves.

The battlefield has come to your door America in the form of pseudo-medical interventions that will use the corrupted medical profession to implement a bioweapon. Don’t count on your “trusted” medical professional or public health to protect you. These “climate change injections” will be labeled “vaccines” just like the CONvid-1984 injections were. The ignorant medical profession will champion the new “vaccines” as needed, safe, effective, and carrying little risk. They forfeited using critical thinking skills long ago in favor of the “official narrative” and “top-down one-size-fits-all” interventions.

Businesses are more than happy to go along with the “top-down” dictates by the fascist oligarchs occupying the District of Criminals and the medical oligarchy known as “public health”. Local “representative” government is only too happy to comply if there is money involved – there will be. And, the government Gestapo (police officers, national guardsmen, state troopers, some sheriff’s departments, and the military) will be only too eager to “enforce” unconstitutional dictates, including forcing the injection upon you.

The CONvid-1984 planned scam-demic was a trial run for modified mRNA injections and a test for “compliance” of the population with top-down unconstitutional dictates. Everyone witnessed the compliance of the police, local “representative” government, businesses, and medical professionals. No one can forget the CONvid-1984 “sonderkommandos”. They posted videos of themselves dancing on TikTok and were the ones who “injected” others and performed “run death is near” protocols. It takes a “special” kind of person to kill others without regret or remorse. Unlike the Auschwitz prison camp sonderkommandos, these CONvid-1984 sonderkommandos were not under the “threat of death”. And, the sonderkommandos of the death camps only took care of the corpses after being killed in the gas chambers. As a bit of a reminder, the Nazi German government eventually killed many sonderkommandos.

These groups of people are the “workers of Auschwitz”, performing their tasks using the justification of “I need my job”, “I was following orders”, and “it’s for everyone’s benefit”. The worst excuse of all, witnessed during the CONvid-1984, was “the government will stop sending money if we don’t comply” – participation through coercion and bribery with “planned scam-demic funds”. Those who refused to participate have already lost their jobs or retired.

Don’t hold your breath for these groups of people to stop working at Auschwitz. They appeared to be more than happy to do so. They will take the “climate change jab” willingly to secure their positions – well most of them. You can bet ten dollars to a donut the “elected representatives” in government at all levels will somehow “skirt” a mandate. Amazing how many elected representatives who supposedly took the CONvid-1984 jab have experienced no adverse events. That is not a coincidence.

Prepare as best you can for what is coming. And, it is coming. But, it can be stopped with massive civil disobedience and a willingness to protect your life and the lives of your loved ones at all costs. You cannot comply your way out of tyranny or depopulation. History records this is a fact.

Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media

Suzanne Hamner

Suzanne Hamner (pen name) is a registered nurse, grandmother of 4, and a political independent residing in the state of Georgia, who is trying to mobilize the Christian community in her area to stand up and speak out against tyrannical government, invasion by totalitarian political systems masquerading as religion and get back to the basics of education.
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