College Roommate Bombshell: Joe Biden Is Sexually Attracted To Children
Much has been made of former Vice President Joe Biden‘s constantly putting his hands all over women in public and private, even little girls and boys. All of it is completely inappropriate and though he vowed never to do it again earlier this year, that was short lived. However, a former college roommate of his at Syracuse University College of Law has admitted that Biden is sexually attracted to children.
According to a report, Paul Tatchell, who roomed with Biden at the Syracuse University College of Law, said, “He used to say it was his ‘civic responsibility’ and that if he didn’t ‘choke the chicken’ or ‘clean the hosepipe’ before spending time around children he wouldn’t be able to keep his hands off them [children].”
Tatchell went on to state, “His attraction to children is also the reason he became a teetotaler,” said Tatchell, explaining that “he realized he couldn’t control himself in public with a few drinks in him.”
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The report went on to reference other incidents of Joe Biden with young girls.
The news that Joe Biden’s sexual interest in children was well known on his college campus comes after footage has surfaced of the former Vice President touching young girls inappropriately in the White House. On one occasion, a microphone picked up Biden whispering in a young girl’s ear, “Do you know how horny I am to have a 13-year-old girl standing right next to me?”
Leaning against the young girl so that she is pressed against his groin, Biden continues whispering to her “Speak to my daughter Ashley about the film”, before aggressively lunging in for a kiss, causing the 13-year-old girl to pull away from his grip.
Biden married fellow law student Neilia Hunter, from an affluent background in Skaneateles, New York, while still at college, “overcoming her parents reluctance for her to marry a young man with Joe’s dubious reputation,” according to Tatchell.
No wonder Jeff Sessions abruptly ordered Joe Biden not to touch his granddaughter when they had the misfortune of running into the former Vice President at the Senate swearing in ceremony in 2016.
There is endless footage of Joe Biden taking advantage of young girls and touching them up while their distracted parents meet and greet politicians in D.C.’s corridors of power.
Indeed there are, and we’ve posted several of them in the past.
Dr. Eowyn adds:
I can confirm the following:
- Joe Biden did attend Syracuse University School of Law and graduated with a J.D. in 1968, 76th of 85 in his class. The next year, he was admitted to the Delaware bar. (Wikipedia)
- Biden did meet Neilia Hunter while a law student at Syracuse. They married in 1966. In his autobiography, Promises to Keep: On Life and Politics
, p. 37, Biden claimed that he had to overcome Neilia’s parents’ initial reluctance for her to wed because he’s a Roman Catholic. Neilia and their daughter, 1, were killed in an automobile accident in 1972.
Just like Mia Marie Pope pointed out the usurper, Barack Hussein Obama Soetoro Sobarkah, “portrayed himself as a foreigner,” and yet the media and our government ignored it, so they are doing the same with Joe Biden.
It’s time we cleanse the land of pedophiles once and for all instead of electing them to office.
Furthermore, even if Tatchell isn’t telling the truth about Biden, it is clear that Biden simply cannot keep his hands off of women and children and making inappropriate remarks to them.
Do we really want someone even more disgusting that Slick Willy was in the White House? I sure don’t.
Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media