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Cruz Defends Second Amendment

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(Springfield, VA)—Sen. Ted Cruz defended the Second Amendment rights of all Americans during last night’s presidential debate, and also cited his endorsement by Gun Owners of America.

“Indeed, just a couple of years ago when Harry Reid and Barack Obama came after the right to keep and bear arms of millions of Americans, I was proud to lead the fight in the United States Senate to protect our right to keep and bear arms,” Cruz said.

“And for that reason, I was honored to be endorsed by Gun Owners of America as the strongest supporter of the Second Amendment on this stage today, and I will fight every day to defend the Bill of Rights.”

Gun Owners of America Political Victory Fund endorsed Ted Cruz for President earlier this month based on the Senator’s leadership role fighting gun control, particularly against legislation that was being steam-rolled through Congress after the Sandy Hook shooting.

“It’s obvious that Senator Cruz follows the Constitution, not a political party,” said GOA Chairman Tim Macy.  “We need a stalwart defender of the Second Amendment in the White House, and Ted Cruz will help shoulder the burden of fighting against the gun grabbers dedicated to eviscerating the Second Amendment.”

*Article by Erich Pratt

The Washington Standard

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