Home»US»Del Bigtree Censored: “They’re Telling You What Their Agenda Is” (Video)

Del Bigtree Censored: “They’re Telling You What Their Agenda Is” (Video)

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Del Bigtree the producer of the documentary Vaxxed, recently sat down for an interview with Lior Gantz of the Wealth Research Group.  Bigtree laid out exactly what’s in a vaccine, and what will be going into your body, and why this coronavirus scamdemic vaccine is nothing like we’ve ever seen before.

Bigtree jumps right in when he explains his history of researching vaccines, more specifically, the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) shot that was shown in studies to give children autism. Bigtree recounts how he started to get pushback fro the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) when he was asking for double-blind placebo studies on vaccines that prove they are safe and effective. Basically, those studies either aren’t being done, or they are not showing vaccines to be safe as we’ve been told.

On top of all f that, Bigtree says the vaccine manufactures and doctors who administer vaccines have no obligation to ensure you are safe when administering them.  If you have a side effect or are killed by a vaccine, the taxpayers are liable, not the company that created the vaccine.  If you think that’s bad, wait until you hear what’s in store for us with this COVID-19 vaccine agenda.

The coronavirus vaccine will not be undergoing phase 3 trials, let alone double-blind placebo studies, and all of the manufacturers have demanded they be protected from the public if they kill or injure anyone with this rushed injectable product. If you are still under some delusion that this vaccine won’t be mandatory, either by force or otherwise, you don’t understand what’s going on.  Those in power need you to submit and take the vaccine. “It’s really an outrageous moment we find ourselves in,” says Bigtree, summing it all up.

This is a worldwide issue too, says Bigtree. COVID-19 is bringing in everyone (adults and children) into the forced vaccine program. This should alarm anyone. If any other human can force something into your body against your will, you are not free. But they only need slaves in the New World Order.  He’s been warning people to wake up for years now. “There is going to be something that they use to scare us into an adult vaccine program,” said Bigtree. “You think it’s just the COVID-19 vaccine, but you’ll have to get the catch-up schedule to catch up with the children’s vaccine program,” which includes 72 doses of vaccines.

Mandatory vaccines have the DNA of other humans (aborted fetal  DNA, worm DNA, cocker spaniel DNA) in them, says Bigtree. It’s time the public is aware of what they are injecting into their children. Not to mention the aluminum, which is a neurotoxin when ingested, yet we inject it directly into the bloodstream.

So what’s the overall goal of the ruling class? Bigtree says he doesn’t delve into conspiracy theories, but “let’s just take them for their word. They’re telling you what they’re agenda is. When you hear them say, long before ‘our lives will not get back to normal until we have a vaccine, months ago.’ That’s an agenda. Right there, they just told you the main goal.”

And yet, they’ve moved the goalposts from there.

They Moved The Goalposts…AGAIN!: “It’s Not Over When The Vaccine Arrives”

I still have a few questions Bigtree: what is in the new COVID-19 vaccine? Why is THIS vaccine necessary for the entire population?

Article posted with permission from v

The Washington Standard

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