Designated Terror Group CAIR Founder: Isalm & US are “Twins Linked by Common Values”
According to Founder and Executive Director of CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations), Nihad Awad, Islam and the U.S. are “twins linked by common values.”
Courtesy of the Middle East Research Institute (MEMRI)-TV, while Awad speaks of the shared values between Islam and America, images and/or videos appear on the top left part of the screen. They include a video of a Muslim man beating a woman on a sidewalk, images of women wearing burkas, dead bodies dumped in pits, and Christians still holding crosses in their dead, blood-stained hands.
Awad claims the shared values between Islam and America include:
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“freedom, and especially freedom of religion, freedom of speech, protection for minorities, and spreading justice for all sectors of society.”
Islam is not only the greatest national security threat America faces, but its institutionalized brutality and human rights abuses of women are widespread throughout the world.
There is no such thing as free speech under Islamic rule.
There is no protection for minorities under Islam, In fact, few if any minorities live in Muslim-majority countries– they were either killed or forced to convert to Islam.
No justice exists under Islam other than that which is determined by the Qur’an and the laws and traditions derived from it.
The Qur’an is the only “religious book” that requires its followers to target and kill certain people— solely based on their ethnicity and religious belief and/or affiliation.
Instead of the deceit Awad is peddling, the truth is known actually through Barack Obama. His former White House Homeland “Security Advisor” Mohamed Elibiary asserted:
“America is an Islamic country” with an “Islamic Compliant Constitution.”
Elbiary– like most Islamists– including Awad– believes America will soon be part of a Muslim majority world.
And, Obama’s close friend, Omar Ahmed, Chairman of the Board of CAIR best explains Islam’s goal for North America. He said:
“Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Qur’an should be the highest authority in America.”
Read more/listen to learn more about the three phases of Islam and Civilization Jihad.
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