In Wake of Oregon Religious Shooting, Obama IMMEDIATELY Goes After GUN RIGHTS
Obama exploited the horror and bloodshed in Oregon to warn of executive action on the second amendment. Imagine — making his bones on the bones of dead students.
He is loathsome.
He shrugged off the motive, implying it was irrelevant.
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Does he really believe that? It’s not the gun, it’s the finger pulling the trigger.
Obama’s refusal to recognize the jihad threat has made Americans unsafe.
The mass murderer in Roseburg, Oregon, asked the students what their religion was before he started killing them.
Obama never mentioned that. He demanded news organizations compare gun deaths to terror attacks. But he made no distinction between illegal gun (gang violence, etc.) and legal guns.
He rules by fiat. But he will not take away our guns.
He uses canards, “when roads are unsafe, we make them safer,” “we use seat belts to save lives,” etc. — if that were true, he would have addressed the jihad threat years ago.
He got out before the American people before the motive was officially made public.
UPDATED: Here’s the video:
*Article by Pamela Geller
Pamela Geller’s commitment to freedom from jihad and Shariah shines forth in her books