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Informed Consent: The Collateral Damage & Unintended Consequences Of Foregoing It

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Disclaimer – This is for informational and educational purpose only and does not constitute legal or medical advice.

In this series, we have discussed the process of informed consent, how we are living in Auschwitz when it is taken away, and how to reclaim our right to informed consent through proactive means. Now, we are looking at the collateral damage and unintended consequences that occur when we forego informed consent.

Collateral damage and unintended consequences go hand in hand. The collateral damage can be unintended consequences or “intended” consequences and involves more than just affecting one’s health. It can affect one’s emotional status, mental status, spiritual status, financial status, and relationships as well as services one might expect to receive.

Let’s begin our look into collateral damage/unintended consequences with non-pharmaceutical interventions – mask wearing, social distancing, lockdowns.

As we have established previously, no one was provided informed consent with mask wearing, social distancing, or lockdowns. These interventions were passed off as benign with little issue. Many did not recognize that informed consent is required when using any intervention considered medical in nature. No one was told of the adverse effects that could occur with mask wearing, social distancing, and lockdowns. All the public was told was the “benefits”.

Many individuals now know that mask wearing resulted in developmental delays in children with speech, facial recognition, and cognition (intelligence). Prolonged mask wearing resulted in a rise in carbon dioxide levels and a decrease in oxygen levels. Those who suffered from medical conditions that prohibited mask wearing were subjected to an intervention that worsened their condition. Industries, private employers, and the like who required their customers to don masks, regardless of medical conditions, to conduct business were advocating a medical device that compromised the individual with medical conditions that prohibited the wearing of a mask without informed consent. All medical system workers know the risks of prolonged mask wearing as well as the specified intent of masks, which is not illness prevention.

The punishment aspect came from being denied services if one did not don a mask.

Lockdowns resulted in governors determining which businesses were “essential”, anathema to the Constitution. All businesses are essential as they provide jobs and services. Many small businesses were lost due to the lack of revenue due to being arbitrarily closed. Families lost their livelihood and benefits, meaning mortgages and bills could not be paid. Homes were lost. Some businesses that remained opened had to limit their number of customers due to social distancing resulting in lost revenue and financial hardship. Many individuals lost their job due to being laid off because of lack of customers or limited customers. Some businesses that attempted to remain open with social distancing “mandates” in place eventually were lost because of financial hardship.

Children and teenagers suffered loss due to lack of social contacts, resulting in emotional and mental stress and difficulties, and lack of education if in the public brainwashing school system. The elderly, confined to care homes or at home, suffered as well due to lack of social contact with family and friends. Despair, loneliness, and depression rose among these groups. Fear was propagated upon children with the mantra, “you might kill grandma if you visit.” Likewise, the elderly became afraid to interact with children and others who “might be infected”. Those who were sick in care homes died alone, absent the support of loved ones. And, loved ones were denied saying good-bye and receiving closure.

Human beings were created to be social with one another. To curb that inherent trait produces mental and emotional stress that can manifest into physical symptoms. The closure of churches, centers of worship, denied individuals the ability to engage in worship and fellowship. Online services can not ever replace in-person worship, fellowship and exchange.

Acute care facilities cancelled scheduled surgeries and other treatments resulting in exacerbation of medical conditions increasing the cost to the individual of further decline in health status. Because of the fear of getting CONvid-1984, many did not seek medical treatment when they should. Nurses and other healthcare workers suffered “layoffs” due to lack of patients. Of course, the Operation Mockingbird Media claimed hospitals were like “war zones” further inciting fear among the public. People were encouraged to test, test, and test some more without being informed about the test.

The risk for masks, social distancing, and lockdowns was high with no benefit. The devastation that occurred to individuals as well as the overall economy will be felt for quite some time – all because of a lack of adequate informed consent.

Let’s look at this from the aspect of the CONvid-1984 injections.

It has been established that adequate and proper informed consent could not be given for these injections. The package inserts for these injections contained the phrase “Intentionally Left Blank”. This means that not one individual administering these injections or recommending the injections could provide recipients with any information pertaining to the medical intervention. Likewise, the injections were misnamed “vaccines”. These injections did not meet the Taber’s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary, 1986 hard copy edition, for vaccine, but it did meet the definition for “medical device”. Moreover, the injections were determined to be “gene therapy” as admitted by the manufacturers of the injections, with Moderna’s Chief Medical Officer at the time, Tal Zaks, indicating they were “hacking the software of life”. The software of life is your unique DNA. This was a new technology of injections not previously used on human beings. It was modified mRNA (messenger ribonucleic acid), genetic material, of a supposed “virus” encased in a lipid nanoparticle.

Moreover, the “patient information sheets” and the “provider information sheets” sent by the manufacturer to be given to patients and providers did not disclose all the information needed to procure adequate informed consent or provide adequate informed consent. Remember, informed consent involves a process and each State has laws governing informed consent providers are required to follow. Just as individuals cannot be coerced, blackmailed, incentivized, or punished for requesting and/or exercising informed consent, providers cannot be coerced, blackmailed, incentivized, or punished when pursuing adequate informed consent. These would be violations of the law. Moreover, the right to refuse is part of informed consent.

Pertinent and relevant information surrounding the CONvid-1984 injections was hidden from the people. In the Pfizer 5.3.6 documents, page seven indicated that during their “clinical trial” 1,223 individuals died. And, Appendix 1 of the same document listed 1p36 deletion as a possible adverse event. 1p36 refers to Chromosome 1, arm p (short arm), region 36. Using an internet search with terms “1p36 deletion syndrome”, one can find numerous articles to read regarding this phenomenon. It is usually a genetic hereditary condition with a distinctive set of characteristics leading to diagnosis. However, most cases are not inherited but a result of a “random event during the formation of reproductive cells (eggs or sperm) or in early fetal development.” For the Pfizer document to include this as the first adverse event (numerals come before letters when using alphabetized lists) suggests the company knew there was a possibility for this to affect chromosomes/DNA. With 1p36 deletion, some individuals have involvement of an additional chromosome. Is this the reason it was recommended for women to delay pregnancy for several months when getting the injection?

The list of adverse events in Appendix 1 covers eight full pages and part of another. Remember, this was submitted to the FDA prior to receiving the “bait and switch” approval of Comirnaty, with the current product BNT 162b2 retaining emergency use authorization (EUA) to this day.

Without the information needed for adequate and proper informed consent, the medical industrial complex and individual citizens “assumed, presumed, supposed, and implied” these injections were similar to current “vaccines” on the market with similar risks and benefits. Sleeves were rolled up to take the product. Remember, there was no information upon which to base any informed consent decision. In this case, it is appropriate to refuse.

Government “mandated” injections for hospital employees where the hospital received government funds – Medicare. Officials suggested employers “mandate” these injections for their employees. All of this knowing no individual could give adequate informed consent. Fear was the major driver of receiving these injections – fear of dying from the CONvid-1984, fear of spreading the “virus” to others, fear of losing one’s job, and fear of continued devastation through lockdowns. The injection was touted as “the way back to normal”. People were informed they would be able to resume travel, attend social gatherings, and lockdowns would cease if they rolled up their sleeve to take the injection. To add insult to injury, many States offered everything from doughnuts to French Fries to $1 million lottery chances to lap dances when getting injected. This is all a form of coercion, which is prohibited in obtaining adequate informed consent.

It wasn’t long after the injections were being deposited into arms that anecdotes hit the internet of severe adverse events occurring, including death. Many sufferers included video.

The damage suffered by these individuals was more than just their health. Many lost the ability to provide for their families. Some suffered emotional distress due to their disabilities. There were intense reactions of regret. New health problems increased their expenses for healthcare. Relationships suffered as a result of emotional, mental and financial stress. Families who experienced the death of a loved one suffered through a gambit of emotions.

Those who refused to get the injection suffered as well – they lost their income and ability to support their families, including loss of benefits. Some retained employment but had to submit to unending CONvid-1984 “testing”, which didn’t diagnose anything, and mask wearing.

All of this is collateral damage/unintended consequences for lack of adequate informed consent. There was not one individual who could have known these injections caused the multitude of problems it has without informed consent. This collateral damage/unintended consequences were also the results of coercion, blackmail, implied punishment, and incentivization.

Other areas seeing collateral damage were military readiness, national security, first response units, confidence in public health, the doctor-patient relationship, the nurse-patient relationship, airline safety and travel, and treatment for injuries related to CONvid-1984 injections. There are more and many yet to come.

One could say all of this worked well together to bring about “intended consequences” of collateral damage. It would be hard to deny this as everything worked in concert producing the maximum damage with no benefit.

Another part of collateral damage/unintended consequences happened when individuals presented to the hospital with “CONvid-1984 symptoms”. Some were told to go home and come back when their symptoms worsened. Others were hospitalized where the treatment protocols for CONvid-1984 resulted in death.

One has to go all the way back to the Affordable Healthcare Act, Obamacare, to see how this played into hospitalization resulting in collateral damage. The following articles explains a few details.

Unconstitutional Obamacare Death Panels Reeks of Nazi-Style Extermination Process

Jonathan Gruber Spills the Beans on Healthcare

The Push to Force Medical Treatment on the People Traces Back to Obamacare

Go to The Sons of Liberty Media page and enter “Obamacare” into the search bar on the right to read countless stories on the devastation Obamacare has had upon the united States.

Obamacare was never affordable nor was it intended to be. The main purpose of Obamacare was the “monopolization” of healthcare by the federal government through manipulation of health care insurance companies. It resulted in a “top down” treatment regimen (approved treatments from government departments to medical providers) and rationing of care through revision of long-standing medical diagnostic recommendations done by the Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB). The purpose of Obamacare was socialization of medicine and rationing of medical care.

This brings us to treatment protocols in the hospital setting. It was in late 2018, early 2019, these protocols became known to this writer. Later, it was discovered that these protocols are basically artificial intelligence (AI). Gone were the days of differential diagnosis, using every tool in your medical knowledge arsenal to assist the patient. Nowadays, it is “follow the protocol”. Moreover, at times, treatment is foregone – not done – for an additional problem that develops while hospitalized for a different reason. It has been experienced by many families. If treatment is done for the additional problem, it is usually too little too late.

It was this “top down” treatment protocol that resulted in the only treatment for CONvid-1984 being Remdesivir and a ventilator, despite reports by multiple physicians and independent physician groups that other treatments were available. To be on a ventilator means the individual has to be given multiple drugs so they don’t “fight” against the mechanical ventilation. However, what we saw with those hospitalized with a diagnosis of CONvid-1984 and placed on ventilators was a cocktail of medications that should not be given together per the Physician Desk Reference (PDR) and other medication references usually present on every hospital floor. Moreover, many had “Do Not Resuscitate” orders placed on charts in violation of informed consent and repeated family requests to cease DNR orders were ignored/denied. Remember, informed consent means you can withdraw at any point. Also, how many incidences of people being held against their will by hospitals occurred when they wanted to leave to seek other treatment? How many died because of these usurpations of informed consent and medical kidnapping?

Now, it should be clear why informed consent in every area is important. We have to change our perspective and look at everything through the lens of informed consent in order to avoid collateral damage. While we look at everything through the lens of informed consent, we have to remember it is an ongoing process to be evaluated, analyzed, and re-evaluated with every change. Even the smallest change requires informed consent to be given again. And, every procedure, intervention, treatment, government action, and/or private corporation action affecting the people requires it to be given. Anything less and we have lost liberty and freedom.

Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media

Suzanne Hamner

Suzanne Hamner (pen name) is a registered nurse, grandmother of 4, and a political independent residing in the state of Georgia, who is trying to mobilize the Christian community in her area to stand up and speak out against tyrannical government, invasion by totalitarian political systems masquerading as religion and get back to the basics of education.
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