Home»US»LA Mayor Bass: People Fear Crime Because of “Conservative Press”

LA Mayor Bass: People Fear Crime Because of “Conservative Press”

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“The conservative press that wants to paint…Democratic-run cities as though we are in a crisis of crime.”

Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass, the democratically elected choice of ballot harvesters whose election was slightly less credible than those conducted in Syria and North Korea, is blaming the “conservative press” for the public’s fear that they’re living in a violent crime-ridden hellhole run by crime pandering politicians.

As Jennifer Van Laar reports…

Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass hit the NPR airwaves (where she knew nobody would be listening) to blame “the press and especially the conservative press that wants to paint…Democratic-run cities as though we are in a crisis of crime” for the “sense of fear” in the city, not the criminals themselves.

In the Friday morning interview, Bass also claimed that people are safe in Los Angeles and that “crime trends show crime going down

When I walk down the street and see crazy homeless bums screaming and randomly lashing out, I know that it’s because of the “conservative press”.

LA, like other major cities, is overrun by crime because the laws have been dismantled or aren’t enforced. Typically, the elimination of bail means that criminals are almost always out as soon as they’re busted.

Los Angeles’s zero-bail policy was reinstated by a judge earlier this year after a lawsuit. Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascon had his own zero-bail policy in place for prosecutors until last year’s recall threat scared him into allowing a few exceptions. But Gascon has made his support for zero bail clear, and it continues to be a fact of life in Los Angeles’s criminal justice system.

All of this came full circle with the smash-and-grab robbery of Yves Saint Laurent, where a group of at least 30 criminals made off with around $300,000 worth of merchandise. The first suspect to be arrested was Ivan Ramirez, who was promptly released from jail just a few hours later with just a citation.

Anyone worried that they’re living in a hellscape of junkies and thugs who can do whatever they want is just under the influence of the conservative press… like the Los Angeles Times.

Los Angeles crime lab finds 4% of seized fentanyl samples contain flesh-eating sedative – Los Angeles Times

Nothing to worry about here. Only conservatives would find this concerning. Also hip-hop stars.

Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson has a better grasp on reality than almost all Los Angeles Democrats.

Witness the hip-hop legend’s Instagram post on a judge’s recent order to reinstate LA’s no-bail policy, i.e., “Get out of jail free” cards for all misdemeanors and non-violent felonies: “LA is finished … Watch how bad it gets out there.”

But until crime starts affecting ballot harvesters, the pro-crime politicos will stay in power.

Article posted with permission from Daniel Greenfield

The Washington Standard

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