Home»US»Long Before Militia in Oregon, Eric Holder Was in “Armed Standoff” At Columbia ROTC Building

Long Before Militia in Oregon, Eric Holder Was in “Armed Standoff” At Columbia ROTC Building

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If the standoff in Oregon had taken place last year, he would have been the man in charge of the federal response across every law enforcement agency, including the FBI, ATF and U.S. Marshals.

Though Loretta Lynch has now succeeded him as Attorney General, Eric Holder led the nation’s law enforcement response during most of the Obama Administration.

And he, too, was once involved in an armed standoff.

In sharp contrast to his role as  Attorney General, Eric Holder, as a young black radical at Columbia, was one of those who were engaged in an “armed standoff” with authorities over a “territorial dispute.”

Today, the thinking on the left is different, but during the radical 60s, even the “safe spaces” crowd of the day saw a need for the 2nd Amendment in their struggles with tyranny and oppression of the day.

The Daily Caller reported back in 2012:

As a freshman at Columbia University in 1970, future Attorney General Eric Holder participated in a five-day occupation of an abandoned Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) headquarters with a group of black students later described by the university’s Black Students’ Organization as “armed,” The Daily Caller has learned.

Holder was then among the leaders of the Student Afro-American Society (SAAS), which demanded that the former ROTC office be renamed the “Malcolm X Lounge.” The change, the group insisted, was to be made “in honor of a man who recognized the importance of territory as a basis for nationhood.”

That protest ended with the demands of the group met, and no arrests. How will the situation at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge – where a group has taken up arms over a territorial dispute – end up? Hopefully, just as peacefully.

But there are surely double standards and selective enforcement biases at work – and today many on the left have called for a lethal strike against the militia hold out in Oregon, calling for military or agency forces to kill those inside.

But back in the day, there were plenty of leftists involved in armed standoffs and tensions with police that sometimes spilled over into violence. The Weathermen killed and terrorized for their politics. The SDS was known to provoke fights and resort to tactics of force. The Black Panthers frequently demonstrated with firearms and encountered frequent conflict with police. During the 70s, the American Indian Movement had a 71-day armed standoff at Wounded Knee during which they exchanged fire with the FBI.

Some of these actions were principled, others likely instigated by professional agitators.

Regardless, there is much more to the issue today in Oregon than the mere fact that those involved are armed. To date, there is no violence; there are no hostages; and no one has made threats. They have been unfairly branded as “terrorists.”

As Kurt Nimmo of Infowars writes:

The incident is similar to the takeover of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge center by Ammon Bundy and others, but the corporate media has yet to deem Holder a terrorist or, for that matter, even mention it.


It is doubtful Ammon Bundy and his companions will receive the same treatment as Holder and escape prosecution if they leave the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge center, that is if they are not killed by the federal government in a standoff.

Whether or not these men are standing up for the right issue in the right way, it is important that due process be maintained – and that massacres like the ones that took place at the Branch Davidian compound and Ruby Ridge never happen again.

Hopefully cooler heads will prevail on all sides of this issue.


The Washington Standard

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