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More COVID Vaxx Deaths – Are They Going To Blame It On The Jab Or COVID?

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The deaths and severe injuries from the COVID-19 vaccine are continuing to stack up.  Here’s a question: how likely is it that the ruling class blames these deaths on COVID-21?

With the constant news of new “mutations” of the coronavirus designed to panic the already fearful masses into getting a vaccine that’s been horrifically damaging people and even killing them, we’d say this is likely.  I hope I’m wrong, but not enough of the public has figured this out yet.

All of these agendas (the elitists own everything, they will take everything from you, you will be their slave permanently, unable to ever escape again, eugenics, and permission to do anything from those who desire ultimate control over everyone) are coalescing. Wake up now, or you won’t be able to.  The ultimate goal is to take all of your property under the guise of you being unable to pay.  What do you really think the lockdowns were for? Certainly not for a virus that statically, no one is dying from.

Jeff Berwick from The Dollar Vigilante shared some information sent to him from Curtis Stone, the Urban Farmer, and it lays out a timeline for Canadians, that’s already been 100% accurate. If this continues, we will see the mainstream media begin to refer to COVID-19 “mutations” as COVID-21.

“They wanna control the world,” Berwick says accurately.  More importantly, they want complete control over every human being and they want it done before people figure out it is only their belief that someone has the right to rule over them that allows this to happen.  All you have to do is stop believing in anyone”s authority over you. That’s step one, and a lot of us are finally there.  But, since there aren’t enough, Berwick shows Canada’s planned timeline for a COVID-21 mutation as an excuse to eliminate all private property.  Begin watching at 12:20 for an in-depth look at Canadian’s future.

It’s past time for humanity to realize they don’t need to be ruled  They don’t need to be obedient slaves to a ruling class that doesn’t care if they live or die.  It’s time to wake up to the realization that we don’t need slavery aka government. They need us to comply or they cannot rule. It is time to evolve and take a stance against all slavery, even that which was voted for. Wake up. Everyone’s future, including yours, depends upon it.

Article posted with permission from Mac Slavo

The Washington Standard

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