In the wake of yesterday’s bombing at the Boston Marathon, I predicted that this would be the work of jihadists. I also understand the idea that the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated our own government as well, which probably explains why Barack Obama wouldn’t address this act immediately as terrorism. However, …

The potential threat of an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) has officially captured the attention of politicians in Washington, who are using it as an issue to drive debate about possible military threats and infrastructure overhauls. The catastrophe that could come from an EMP would be overwhelming and devastating to the infrastructure …

Is Barack Obama trying to kill the economy on purpose? On Sunday, we learned that Obama is imposing a nationwide 32 percent carbon dioxide emission reduction from 2005 levels by the year 2030. When it was first proposed last year, Obama’s plan called for a 30 percent reduction, but the …

Earlier this year, Pamela Geller held a free speech contest in which contestants drew pictures of the non-prophet of Islam, Muhammad. At that event in Garland, Texas, two Islamic jihadis attempted mass murder, but the free speech event was stopped by men with guns, despite the fact that the federal …

In a twisted view of justice, the Navy wants to charge Lt. Commander Timothy White for illegally discharging a firearm on federal property in an attempt to stop the Islamic jihadist who murdered 5 of his military brothers. Western Journalism had reported shortly after the attack: A Navy officer and …

US Marine Cpl. Ty Hammons has had it with Barack Obama and his Marxist-Muslims regime and he took to YouTube to vent his frustrations regarding the usurper-in-chief in the wake of the Chattanooga Islamic jihad attack. Not only did he say that Obama was not deserving of the title Commander-in-chief, …

A culture war has been stirred up. Divisions are along predictable lines: racism, police abuse, controversial social issues, and plenty of left vs. right, demographics and regional baggage to clash over as well. And by all accounts, differences and distinctions between people have been intensifying, not blurring and fading away.According …

America is not a great nation, and it hasn’t been for a very long time. Any government that gives hundreds of millions of dollars each year to an organization that systematically murders babies, harvests their internal organs and ships them off to laboratories where they are used in experiments can …

In 2011, Rand Paul stood on the floor of Congress and delivered a stark warning to Americans. To criticisms of sensationalism and embellishment, Paul noted that Federal laws on the books characterize those who have guns, seven days worth of food or ammunition in their homes as potential terrorists. Know …

Are you ready for what is coming in August? All over America, economic, political and social tensions are building, and the next 30 days could turn out to be pivotal. In July, we saw things start to turn. As you will read about below, a major six year trendline for …