Home»Commentary»Picking Presidents: Just A Reminder To Those Who Do NOT Think For Themselves! There Are Over 1,000 Other Presidential Contenders….

Picking Presidents: Just A Reminder To Those Who Do NOT Think For Themselves! There Are Over 1,000 Other Presidential Contenders….

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“Presidents are selected, not elected.” – Franklin Roosevelt

Anyone humored by the absolute ignorance of the American people when it comes to them playing along with the powers that are tolerated?

The work is already done before the people get the six clowns in the circus of politics as their presidential options (all of them globalists pushing forward the same agenda) only to have it dwindle down to two (John 8:44).

Of course, they were all offered up via the same powers that are tolerated by the American people.  In the end, the people are to pick between the lesser of two evils (2 Chronicles 19:2).

From what I hear, and I hear it quite a bit, people claim that they are tired of the same cycle (establishment control).  Then let me suggest that you quit doing the same things and shut your television sets off (Psalm 101:3).

Look at the two final options given to the people by the Mockingbird CIA-controlled media that 94% of the people say they do not believe. Treasonous Joe Biden (Article III, Section 3 U.S. Constitution) and con man Donald Trump.  Both are criminal and illegitimate.

It’s interesting how Donald Trump talks of the crimes of Joe Biden on the campaign trail and yet, he had four years to prosecute (drain the swamp) Joe and failed to do so (Psalm 12:8).  The show must go on.


This is all a dog and pony show, nothing more and nothing less.

There are over 1,000 presidential contenders, and you haven’t heard a peep from a one of them.

Americans have to ask themselves how controlled the mainstream media is considering the facts that are given (Ephesians 4:14).

Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media.  Article by Bradlee Dean.

The Washington Standard

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