Psychiatry and Psychotropic Meds: A Nation Under Conquest
Today in America, it seems that almost everyone is prescribed some type of mood-altering drug to deal with their problems. The use of psychotropic drugs has become as commonplace as taking an aspirin to relieve a headache. Over the past couple of decades, there has been an enormous push to advertise these drugs on television. It’s almost as if the entire nation is mentally ill because there is a psychiatric drug for almost anything, and people seem to believe they need them. In fact, the DSM IV (Diagnostic Statistical Manual) lists a total of 297 different mental health disorders for which, of course, there is a drug that can be prescribed. The latest edition of the DSM, (Diagnostic Statistical Manual) the DSM V, has an additional 15 new disorders added to it. Many of these disorders are no different than normal, everyday emotions we feel on a day to day basis. For instance, “somatic symptom disorder” is a label used to describe an individual who worries too much about their own medical conditions. [1] There is even a disorder for those who use the internet too much with a drug ready to prescribe as well. “Internet use disorder” [2] is characterized by many of the same symptoms as any other addiction. Just as it is with other alleged disorders, labeling this a mental illness will make the prescribing of a drug billable to insurance companies, thus increasing profit margins for pharmaceutical companies. Americans make up 66% percent of the world’s population that consume psychotropic medications; this earns the pharmaceutical industry a whopping sixteen billion a year. [3] This offers huge incentives to create new needs for medications to treat illnesses that don’t really exist, as well as new, inventive ways to market them.
Who is defining what the term “mental health” means, and how do they suddenly come up with new disorders? The thing that people need to understand is that mental health—and, in particular, psychiatric disorders—are tools of the pyschopolitician being employed against the United States in order to further their aim of transforming us into a communist state.
Transfer some of the powers of arrest from police to social agencies. Treat all behavioral problems as psychiatric disorders which no one but psychiatrists can understand. Communist goal number 38 26
Dominate the psychiatric profession and use mental health laws as a means of gaining coercive control over those who oppose communist goals. Communist goal number 39[4]
A report issued in 2011 by Medco Health Solutions[5] shows that one out of every five adults is using at least one psychiatric drug to treat some type of mood disorder. The drugs taken are being used to treat anxiety disorders, depression, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and many other types of alleged mental illnesses. The ratio in women is a little higher, with one out of every four taking these drugs. These numbers show a significant increase in the number of people being prescribed psychiatric medications since 2001, a twenty two percent increase, to be exact. While women make up the largest population of adults taking drugs, it was young men between the ages of 20 and 44 that saw the highest percentage of usage increase, 43 percent since 2001. The use of these drugs among children has varied, as there was a drop in use among kids after it reached its highest point in 2004. This was due to an increase in warnings from the Food and Drug Administration, highlighting the potential of the drugs to cause suicidal and violent behavior in children. Since 2010, however, there has, once again, been an increase in the usage among children. Alarmingly, there is also increasing evidence that suggests the use of psychiatry is actually contributing to an increase in suicide rates among those seeking treatment. For instance, according to a study conducted in the UK, there was a direct correlation between the increased funding of mental health services and suicide rates.[6] Though, the biggest finding is that this was mostly related to nations where the increase in funding was done legislatively. Another study, published in the Journal, Social Psychiatry[7] by Matthew M. Large and Christopher J. Ryan, further demonstrate a relation between psychiatric care and suicide rates. This study found that patients receiving in patient services in psychiatric hospitals were 44 times more likely to commit suicide.
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It must be carefully hidden that the incidence of insanity has only increased since these scientific practices have been applied.[8] Laventia Beria
There is also evidence to suggest that the use of mental health medication is contributing to the increase in mental health diagnosis. Psychotropic drugs interfere with your brain’s ability to process normal, biological functioning by upsetting the way the neurotransmitters operate.
“After several weeks on psychoactive drugs, the brain’s compensatory efforts begin to fail, and side effects emerge that reflect the mechanism of action of the drugs. For example, the SSRIs may cause episodes of mania, because of the excess of serotonin. Antipsychotics cause side effects that resemble Parkinson’s disease, because of the depletion of dopamine (which is also depleted in Parkinson’s disease).
As side effects emerge, they are often treated by other drugs, and many patients end up on a cocktail of psychoactive drugs prescribed for a cocktail of diagnoses.The episodes of mania caused by antidepressants may lead to a new diagnosis of “bipolar disorder” and treatment with a “mood stabilizer,” such as Depokote (an anticonvulsant) plus one of the newer antipsychotic drugs. And so on.[9]
The question arises, looking at the increase in the number of drugs being prescribed, if there is actually an increase in the number of actual mental health cases or if there is something else going on. Some doctors may have you believe that there are more sophisticated methods of detecting and diagnosing these illnesses; however, many prominent psychiatrists interviewed in the film “Making a Killing: The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging”[10] also admit that what they do is purely trial and error and that there is no sound scientific method which they use to diagnose mental health conditions. This also pertains to the dosage being prescribed. Take the words of Dr. Russell Barkley, professor of psychiatry and neurology at the University Of Massachusetts Medical Center when being interviewed on the criteria of diagnosing mental illness.
“A disorder doesn’t have to have a blood test to be valid. If that were the case, all mental disorders would be invalid…There is no lab test for any mental disorder right now in our science.” [11]
What Dr. Barkley just admitted is that psychiatry is not a science at all because medical science and disease research have traditionally been backed up by the notion that results can be proven with lab tests.[12] This is the scientific method, and what Dr. Barkley is admitting is that there is no scientific method being employed to diagnose mental illness. In fact, he admits that this is true with all 297 disorders listed in the DSM. This is also true with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, which millions of our school aged children are being prescribed Ritalin for. This is alarming because Ritalin is classified as a schedule II narcotic by the Drug Enforcement Administration. Having this classification puts the drug in the same category as cocaine and amphetamines. [13] It is admitted by the drug’s manufacturer that it may create dependency and it carries severe side effects including nervousness, insomnia, anorexia, loss of appetite, pulse changes, heart problems, and weight loss.[14] If this isn’t alarming enough, the drug is actually linked to a 500% increase in sudden death among children.[15] If this is the case, why do psychiatrists continue to insist on its use? Why are psychiatrists prescribing our children a drug that has the same effects on the brain as cocaine? Sadly, there only appears to be one answer and that is to dumb down the population to the point where they are compliant enough to accept their own servitude. In 1967 some of the world’s most prominent psychiatrists met in Puerto Rico to discuss the latest advancements, mostly in the use of mind-altering, psychotropic drugs. During this conference, Dr. Wayne O Evans was quoted as saying, “We see a developing potential for nearly a total control of human emotional status, mental functioning and will to act.”[16] Dr. Evans is, of course, referring to the use of psychotropic drugs and their ability to subdue a population of once thinking people into acceptance of things they normally wouldn’t accept.
What is potentially the most alarming aspect of this is the attitude of schools towards children taking Ritalin. In many cases, public school administrators will argue that Ritalin will help improve children’s performance because it will calm them down and help them focus.[17] This, however, has never been proven.[18] In trends that are becoming increasingly concerning, schools are looking for quick fix solutions to children’s problems, and because disadvantaged schools often have state-funded social workers and psychologists on hand, it is all too easy to go down the ADHD route and have these children prescribed Ritalin.[19] Studies have also shown that children receiving state aid, or who are in foster care are up to 39% more likely to be prescribed a psychotropic drug as opposed to those who receive no state welfare.[20] There is also little incentive to help these children off these drugs as foster parents caring for children on psychotropic medications are paid a considerably larger amount of money for taking these children into their care.[21] It isn’t uncommon for parents who question the use of psychotropic drugs to be harassed by schools and child protective agencies for refusing to drug their children. In some cases, parents even lose their children after being charged with child abuse and neglect for refusing to go along with the so-called authorities. [22]
It is disturbing to think that the first solution to solving a child’s problems would be the use of psychiatric drugs. While the use of Ritalin was, at one time, the most commonly used drug prescribed to children, more and more we are seeing kids prescribed powerful anti-psychotics and anti-depressants for conditions like Bi-Polar disorder. A report published by the National Institute of Mental Health [23] in 2007 claimed that, among people ages 19 and younger, there was a forty percent increase in the diagnosis of Bi-Polar disorder. This is comparable to the adult rate. The question arises: how was there suddenly such a massive increase in diagnoses? One of the most common drugs used to treat children diagnosed with Bi-Polar disorder is Depakote. According to the drug’s own website,[24] one of the side effects of Depakote is suicidal thoughts and behaviors, among others that the website lists as very serious. These others include serious liver damage that can cause death within the first six months of use, serious damage to unborn children, and inflammation of the pancreas that may cause death. All in all, when it comes to the use of psychotropic drugs among children, there is a twenty percent increase in suicides that can be directly attributed to their usage.[25] Alarmingly, this ratio also applies to children under the age of five, as this makes up the fastest-growing segment of the population being prescribed psychiatric medications.[26] Children as young as four years old have attempted suicide, due to the devastating effects of prescription drugs.[27]
Bi-polar disorder is among the most controversial and is considered by many in the field to be a fake diagnosis. Characterized by prolonged periods of either euphoric happiness or sadness[28], Bi-polar is a perfect example of a mental disorder being diagnosed on the premise of presenting normal, everyday emotions. The same is true of ADHD.[29] This isn’t to suggest that the symptoms or behaviors exhibited by these so called illnesses may not be real, but that the causes of the behaviors are not biological in nature, which what would be required to classify it as an actual illness in any other practice of medicine. Rather, as mentioned before, these behaviors are most likely caused by traumatizing life events of some sort, and prescribing brain-altering drugs disguised as medicine only further harms the individual.
Again, the question as to why so called “doctors” in the field of mental health wish to drug up the population with drugs that appear to do more harm than good, arises. The answer is simple. Psychiatry and psychology are not real sciences at all. Rather, they are tools of the psychopolitical operator being used to subdue an unsuspecting population by convincing everyone they are “mentally imbalanced” or “mentally ill” and in need of treatment. The treatment (psychiatric drugs) is designed to strip people of their individualism and will to act. Remember the quote from Wayne O Evans?
This is exactly what they set out to do, and they have been very successful. The effects of these drugs on the population have been devastating; not only when it comes to suicides and violent behavior, but in terms of general intelligence as well. We have an entire generation of people in the United States who view communism as a legitimate form of government, and they appear to advocating for it. Essentially, the goal of psychiatry is to condition people into the acceptance of a “one world government.”
“To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism and religious dogmas…”
Dr. G. Brock Chisholm, psychiatrist and co-founder of the World Federation of Mental Health[31]“Drugging the individual produces an artificial exhaustion, and if he is drugged, or shocked, or beaten and given a string of commands, his loyalties themselves can definitely be re-arranged”[32]
*Article by David Risselada
[1] 11-7-15
[2] 11-7-15
[3] 11-7-15
[4] (7-24-15)
[6] Shah, Ajit ; Bhandarkar, Ritesh ; Bhatia, Gurleen The Relationship Between General Population Suicide Rates And Mental Health Funding, Service Provision And National Policy: A Cross-National Study International Journal Of Social Psychiatry Volume: 56 Issue: 4 Pages: 448-453 Doi: 10.1177/0020764009342384 Published: Jul 2010
[7] 11-7-15
[8] 11-7-15
[9]–why.aspx 11-7-15
[10] 7-26-15
[11] 7-26-15
[12] 7-26-15
[13] 7-26-15
[14] 7-26-15
[16] 7-26-15
[17] 7-26-15
[18] 7-26-15
[20] 11-7-15
[21] 11-7-15
[22] 7-26-15
[24] 7-27-15
[25] 7-27-15
[26] 7-31-15
[27] 7-31-15
[28] 11-7-15
[29] 11-7-15
[30] 7-31-15
[31] 7-31-15
[32] 7-31-15