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Throughout the twentieth and into the twenty-first century, hundreds of people, if not more, have used the horrors of Nazi tyranny to defame their opponents. The GOP compares the overreach of Democratic politicians to the Nazis. Liberals compare the laws according to morals of the Republicans to the Nazis. But …

How many times have liberal leftists tried to cram “separation of church and state” down the throats of Christians in order to serve their agenda? It is more times than can be counted. But, it’s always a street running in one direction and directed at Christianity — no Christianity in …

FOX News needs some people who actually have read the Constitution and know what it says. They also need some people who actually know what they are talking about. Andrea Tantaros is the latest FOX personality to demonstrate the news outlet is controlled opposition as she blasted Kim Davis for …

Kim Davis is now languishing in jail for her faith.  There are many who have come out in support of the stand that she has taken against sodomite unions.  Governor Mike Huckabee has even planned a rally in support of Kim, but there are others who have taken an alternative …

Soft judges produce hardened criminals! –Bradlee Dean The Los Angeles Times reports, “State by state, the death penalty is losing ground.” They should have just reported that “State by state, the government is advocating murder.” These are the same state governments that sanction the murder of innocent children in the …

1. The Constitution grants to Congress only limited powers to make criminal laws. These powers fall into five categories: a) those made pursuant to express authorizations for four specific crimes; b) those made under the “necessary and proper” clause; c) those made for the few tiny geographical areas over which Congress has “exclusive Legislation”; …