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Why is the mainstream media ignoring evidence that the primary reason why Sayed Farook and his wife went on a deadly shooting spree in San Bernardino, California was because Farook wanted to get revenge on a pro-Israel Messianic Jewish Christian co-worker? 52-year-old Nicholas Thalasinos had worked alongside Farook as an …

Another mass shooting in the United States creates yet another opportunity for our spineless president to push his left wing agenda. Riding on the backs of people needlessly murdered because of an irrational fear of allowing people to defend themselves, President Obama wastes no time and promises action on gun …

Some blogs (like the Gateway Pundit) are trigger happy and will do anything to make the media and have identified one named Toby Reynolds (aka Egg Man) as the shooter. This, as it turns out, is FALSE. This man was verified as NOT being the shooter at Umpqua Community College in …

Obama exploited the horror and bloodshed in Oregon to warn of executive action on the second amendment. Imagine — making his bones on the bones of dead students. He is loathsome. He shrugged off the motive, implying it was irrelevant. Buy All-American! Bring health and vitality back to your body …

An 11-year-old St. Louis area boy, who was left at home alone with his 4-year-old sister shot and killed a 16-year-old home invader. KSDK reports: Lamonte Streeter, 16, was shot during what police believe was a home invasion. According to Sgt. Brian Schellman, a spokesperson for the St. Louis County Police …

Have you noticed that more Americans than ever seem to be going totally insane?  When even reporters start going on racially-motivated shooting sprees, you know that things are getting crazy in this country.  On Wednesday, most Americans were absolutely stunned to learn that a former WDBJ-TV reporter shot and killed a …

A new Senate bill would address the gun-free zones that many critics blame for worsening a string of shootings against domestic military targets, most recently the Chattanooga shooting which cost the lives of four Marines and one Navy sailor. The bill — which Senator Jerry Moran, a Kansas Republican, plans to introduce …

Republican Rep. Duncan Hunter’s office told The Daily Caller News Foundation they are finalizing a bill that would address a key gun regulation that could have influenced the outcome of the Chattanooga shooting. The shooting left four Marines dead after a man opened fire on a recruiting center before moving on …