The Canadian Truckers Convoy For Freedom Is Getting Major Support From The People… & Now US Truckers! (Video)
The last time we had Canadian pastor Artur Pawlowski on The Sons of Liberty Radio, pointed out that Canada needed to grow in their movement for liberty and build a solidarity movement that the people would embrace against the growing tyranny. We are seeing more and more that the people are coming together and supporting one another against the tyrants, be they government or fascist corporations, and the Canadian truckers have started the ball rolling as US truckers are making their way up north to support them.
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The Canadian trucker convoy for freedom has taken off with full support of the people. Take a look at what the Mockingbird media will not show you. In fact, they will tell you none of this is even going on!
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Supporters of the truckers even went out in the rain!
The support is absolutely incredible for the truckers’ stand against the Trudeau unjust shot mandates.
Oh, and check out these patriotic Canadian women singing Oh Canada! while making sandwiches for the truckers!
Finally, truckers from the US are making their way up north to support their brothers in Ottawa! This group is leaving from the Us occupied state of South Carolina.
On the front lines of reporting on the truckers convoy for freedom is Rebel News.
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There was even a female police officer that offered support for the protest.
Then, there was Pastor Artur giving a moving, brief talk to the convoy.
Tens of thousands of trucks are involved and more than $4 million has been raised to keep the truckers’ protest going.
Should this keep up, Canada will come to a stall and the government will have to cave to the demands of the people. After all, when bellies start to go hungry, the people will not be as polite as they are now. History teaches us this, but the devil’s children, the tyrants, never learn.
Godspeed Canada!
Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media