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The Forgotten 9/11 Cover-Up — The Five “Dancing Israelis”

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The 17th anniversary of 9/11 has come and gone, but what happened 17 years and 1 day ago will never be forgotten by any of us.

It may not, however, be remembered as you and I remember it.

History has a way of being re-written right before our eyes. Whatever doesn’t fit the establishment narrative soon finds its way to the circular file.

9/11 was no different.

Despite Saudi Arabia ending up as the reluctant scapegoat, many of us still remember the story of the “Dancing Israeli” art students that has long since been washed away.

But if ever there was an obvious government cover-up. This is it.

ABC News printed a story in June of 2002 entitled Were Israelis Detained on Sept. 11 Spies?

Here is an excerpt from that story:

Maria says she saw three young men kneeling on the roof of a white van in the parking lot of her apartment building. “They seemed to be taking a movie,” Maria said.

The men were taking video or photos of themselves with the World Trade Center burning in the background, she said. What struck Maria were the expressions on the men’s faces. “They were like happy, you know … They didn’t look shocked to me. I thought it was very strange,” she said.

She found the behavior so suspicious that she wrote down the license plate number of the van and called the police. Before long, the FBI was also on the scene, and a statewide bulletin was issued on the van.

Five young Israeli men, ages 22-27, were arrested and detained for over 60 days.

The arresting officers said they saw a lot that aroused their suspicion about the men. One of the passengers had $4,700 in cash hidden in his sock. Another was carrying two foreign passports. A box cutter was found in the van. But perhaps the biggest surprise for the officers came when the five men identified themselves as Israeli citizens.

‘We Are Not Your Problem’

When the men were transferred to jail, the case was transferred out of the FBI’s Criminal Division, and into the bureau’s Foreign Counterintelligence Section, which is responsible for espionage cases, ABCNEWS has learned.

One reason for the shift, sources told ABCNEWS, was that the FBI believed Urban Moving may have been providing cover for an Israeli intelligence operation.

After the five men were arrested, the FBI got a warrant and searched Urban Moving’s Weehawken, N.J., offices.

Steven Gordon, the attorney for the five Israeli detainees, acknowledged that his clients’ actions on Sept. 11 would easily have aroused suspicions. “You got a group of guys that are taking pictures, on top of a roof, of the World Trade Center. They’re speaking in a foreign language. They got two passports on ’em. One’s got a wad of cash on him, and they got box cutters. Now that’s a scary situation.”

But Gordon insisted that his clients were just five young men who had come to America for a vacation, ended up working for a moving company, and were taking pictures of the event.

The five men were held in detention for more than two months. Some of them were placed in solitary confinement for 40 days, and some of them were given as many as seven lie-detector tests.

These men were subject to a deportation order but that order was delayed so that the FBI and CIA could question them.

Did I forget to mention that the moving company the Israelis worked for was reported as having at least one vehicle with a painting of a plane diving into New York City? The below is believed to be an artists rendition. But hold on because I have proof that such a vehicle actually existed.

Whether this is an artist’s rendering or the actual truck does not matter. Below you can listen to police communication from September 11, 2001. They talk about the truck with the mural starts around the 5:15 mark in this video:


The plot thickens

On June 22, 2001, Urban Moving Systems received a one time payment of $498,750 from a Federal Government Assistance Program.

The government doles out cash to businesses regularly but when cash is given to a company that hired 9/11 suspects it is certainly cause for scrutiny.

The owner of Urban Moving systems, Dominik Suter, fled to Israel before he could be questioned further by the FBI. 

Four of his employees (4 of the 5 “Dancing Israelis”) would eventually bring a lawsuit against Attorney General John Ashcroft.

From 911research.wikia.com:

In 2004, Paul Kurzberg, Silvan Kurzberg, Yaron Shmuel, and Omer Gavriel Marmari filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against Attorney General John Ashcroft and wardens of the Federal Bureau of Prisons for their treatment in prison after their 9/11/01 arrests.
The four were represented by New York attorney Robert Joseph Tolchin and Nitsana Darshan-Leitner. They claimed that their detention was illegal and that their civil rights were violated, suffering racial slurs, physical violence, religious discrimination, rough interrogations, deprivation of sleep, and many other offenses. The lawsuit also stated “As Israelis and as Jews, plaintiffs themselves are sworn enemies of al-Qaida and Osama bin Laden.”

The Dancing Israelis lawsuit, however, was eventually dismissed because of the plaintiff’s failure to serve the defendants properly as per the rules of the Federal Court.

YourNewsWire reports what many have suspected over the last 17 years, that these men were very likely Mossad agents.

A group of five Mossad agents posing as Israeli tourists were caught red-handed by the FBI celebrating and congratulating themselves on the morning of the 9/11 attacks. 

According to one of several witnesses who reported “middle-eastern” looking men videotaping the disaster as it unfolded:

They were like happy, you know … They didn’t look shocked to me“.

The subsequent FBI investigation discovered that Mossad knew about the September 11th attacks well in advance, and in the months following desperately tried to cover it up.

So was Israel involved in the planning and/or execution of 9/11?

We may never know for certain.

But for those who defend Israel at all costs, please do yourself a favor and look at the story of the USS Liberty.

This would not have been the first time that Israelis killed innocent Americans.

The “Dancing Israelis” will probably be forgotten in the history books and their role may never be fully known.

This is why alternative media must survive.

We can not allow the establishment media to write history according to their assigned agenda.

The truth must survive.

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Article posted with permission from Dean Garrison

The Washington Standard

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