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The Walls are Closing In Around Joe Biden

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If true, this is already a massive violation of national security.

Let’s summarize.

There’s now evidence that Hunter Biden, at the very least, employed Joe Biden as a prop to peddle influence around the world. And there’s evidence that Joe Biden was, at the very least, willing to go along with it.

The nicest possible interpretation of events here was that Joe Biden was helping his crackhead son peddle influence to support his family, and his drug and hooker habit, but didn’t personally profit from any of it.

The other interpretation is that the Big Guy was getting paid too.

Either interpretation though ends in the same place with Joe Biden being involved, directly or indirectly, in ties with foreign governments, illegal transactions, tax violations, violation of the foreign agent registration act, and likely worse things once you dig into the details of the deals which the FBI made certain not to do.

Emerging evidence however keeps tilting toward the Big Guy theory of political corruption.

Peter Schweizer, head of the “Government Accountability Institute,” told Maria Bartiromo on FNC’s “Sunday Morning Futures” that he tipped off the House Oversight Committee to look into records for a private global cell phone he alleges Hunter Biden’s business gave to Joe Biden during his time as vice president:

“It’s interesting, what is the line of communications between Hunter Biden and his business partners and Joe Biden when he’s vice president of the United States? It’s not the government phone, it’s not Joe Biden’s personal phone. We know from the laptop that Hunter Biden’s business paid for a private phone line that Joe Biden used while he was vice president. It was from AT&T, it was $300 a month, it was a global phone where you could access somebody anywhere around the world.”

If true, this is already a massive violation of national security. Top government officials are not just supposed to be using any phones and this one came from a company tied to foreign and enemy nationals.

Worse still, if Joe Biden is using a special phone to talk to his son and to foreign government officials, including the Burisma boss who allegedly bribed him, that is catastrophically bad. It suggests that he had secured a phone to specifically bypass government oversight, and one less likely to be traced to him.

Combine that with the twenty shell companies that the money was being moved into and we have something that looks a whole lot like organized crime. And even the most amateurish FBI agent could smell it.

Article posted with permission from Daniel Greenfield

The Washington Standard

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