Home»Commentary»This Woman Died In 2020 Attempting To Warn The People About Vaccines, Big Pharma Pimps & The Propaganda Arms Of The CDC & FDA (Video)

This Woman Died In 2020 Attempting To Warn The People About Vaccines, Big Pharma Pimps & The Propaganda Arms Of The CDC & FDA (Video)

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Back in December 2020, we reported on the untimely death of Brandy Vaughan.  She was a former MERC Pharmaceutical representative and an anti-vaccine advocate at LearnTheRisk.org with a 9-year-old son who was intimidated and stalked for blowing the whistle on what Big Pharma was doing, along with the adverse effects of vaccines.  However, her message continues despite losing her life.

Here’s the message Vaughan was so passionate about and ultimately lost her life attempting to deliver to the people.

From our previous report:

Brandy Vaughan was former MERC Pharmaceutical representative and an anti-vaccine advocate at LearnTheRisk.org with a 9-year-old son who was intimidated, stalked and found dead in her home less than two weeks ago.  Many suspect foul play considering the nature of her stalkers.  But what really happened?

While they claim her death is believed to be due to natural causes, that is far from what she feared and what friends say.

Vaughan’s final Instagram post on December 7 warns of what she said were the dangers of flu shots. “FLU SHOT LABEL ADMITS: NO DATA THAT THE SHOT DECREASES FLU,” she wrote. “At least one flu shot maker admits that there is no evidence that getting a flu shot decreases your risk of getting the flu. But the list of side effects from the toxic fu shot is long.”

That post came just a day before she died. “So she hasn’t posted in almost a year, then posts TWO days ago, and now she’s dead???” wrote a person in the comment thread.

Investigative journalist Ben Swann has produced a Truth in Media video on her mysterious death.

Some of the mysterious deaths of doctors mentioned by Swann that I reported on a while back include the following:

Another Doctor In A Long List Found Dead – Autopsy Being Performed

Five Doctors Meet Untimely and Suspicious Deaths in Past Month – Five More Still Missing

Another Holistic Doctor Shot Dead Along With Family In Arizona – 77th Found Dead In Past Couple Of Years

Reward Offered In The Murder Of Holistic Doctor Found Dead On Black Friday

12 Holistic Doctors have now died within a little over 90 Days

Two More Holistic Doctors Found Dead – One allegedly committed Suicide on Mother’s Day

Vaughan also recounted the continual stalking, intrusion into her home and threats in a video before her death.

Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media

Tim Brown

Tim Brown is a Christian and lover of liberty, a husband to his "more precious than rubies" wife, father of 10 "mighty arrows" and jack of all trades. He lives in the US-Occupied State of South Carolina, is the Editor at SonsOfLibertyMedia.com, GunsInTheNews.com and TheWashingtonStandard.com. and SettingBrushfires.com; and also broadcasts on The Sons of Liberty radio weekdays at 6am EST and Saturdays at 8am EST. Follow Tim on Twitter. Also check him out on Gab, Minds, and USALife.
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