UK: Tyrannical Cop Threatens Man In Violation Of Lockdown “Laws” By Making “Something Up” Gets Suspended (Video)
Are cops to do a job? Yes. Are they to become little tyrants and violate the rights of the people and commit crimes against them? No. As we have reported on these kinds of criminal and corrupt cops over the years, we have had the support of those who are police officers who seek to uphold the law while many of the public who are brainwashed watching COPS claim that we are somehow biased in our reporting on criminal and corrupt cops. Just last week, we reported a tyrannical cop out of the UK who told a journalist he was “killing people” for simply being out in the open air and videoing a woman’s arrest by the police for walking her dog. The latest example happened just after that incident in which a man was being arrested for violating unlawful lockdown orders, but it appears that the virality of the video that captured the criminal cop has resulted in his suspension.
Here’s the video by UK nurse Kate Shemirani, our health and wellness expert on The Sons of Liberty – YouTube on Saturdays.
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Posted by Kate Shemirani on Tuesday, April 21, 2020
According to UK law, this policeman was in clear violation, as we pointed out with Sergeant Gary Brown previously.
London Tyrannical Cop Gary Brown To Journalist Filming Woman Arrested For Walking Her Dog: “You’re Killing People!” (Video)
The Daily Mail reported:
Lancashire Police was forced to apologise after footage showed the officer aggressively challenging Adam Kidger, 24.
Mr Kidger claims he was pulled over in his car in Accrington, Lancashire, on Friday after going out to buy a quad bike.
In the video the young man is heard saying: ‘You’re harassing me, what for? I’ve done nothing wrong…’
While failing to adhere to social distancing and maintain a two-metre distance, the officer shouts at him: ‘Sit in your car and shut up.’
The police officer then adds: ‘I’ll lock you up… I’ll make something up… who are they going to believe, me or you?’
Speaking about the incident, Mr Kidger said the officer had wrongly accused him of stealing the quad bike and ‘just lost it’.
‘He came right up to me and started shouting, he wasn’t even two metres apart like he should have been,’ he said.
‘He was so angry he was spitting in my face.
‘I think he was just annoyed because I had all the paperwork for the bike and could prove it wasn’t stolen.
‘That’s why he threatened to lock me up for something else.’
The following day, Lancashire Police apologised for the officer’s behaviour and announced they would be conducting an investigation.
On Monday night a statement from the force read: ‘Further to our initial statement about the video footage widely circulating of an incident in Accrington involving one of our officers and a member of the public, we can now provide an update.
‘We absolutely recognise the impact this footage has had on public confidence and following an initial review by our Professional Standards Department, the officer involved has today (Monday, April 20th) been suspended from duty.
‘We have also taken the decision to voluntarily refer the matter to the Independent Office of Police Conduct.
‘We hope these actions go some way to reassuring the public how seriously we are treating this matter.
‘We will be speaking to the man in the footage to keep him fully informed regarding the actions we are taking.’
Lancashire’s Chief Constable Andy Rhodes said in his earlier statement: ‘The footage shows language and behaviour from one officer which were completely unacceptable and for this I apologise without reservation.
‘We recognise the impact that this behaviour will have had, both on the young man concerned, and on the hard-earned trust and confidence of the wider public, particularly the comments about making offences up.
‘It only takes one incident like this to undo the hard work of so many.’
Understand that failing to hold these men in uniform to the standard of the law and bring justice on them when they fail to obey the law only emboldens them and they are the ones on the front lines who will be targeting you when unelected bureaucrats and criminal politicians imposed pretended legislation against you.
As I’ve said time and again, all politics is local. Deal with the corrupt locally and you will protect yourself from the criminal element at the state and federal levels.
Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media