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V-Day Arrives In UK: First Shots Given As Reports Of Several Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Trial Volunteers Developed Bell’s Palsy

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And here we go with the beginning of what will surely be many reports of the UK government’s expected “high volume of adverse events” from the Pfizer RNA vaccine.  As V-Day arrives in the UK, the first recipient, outside of trials, of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine got the prick while reports eminate that at least four people who took the vaccine during trials developed facial paralysis known as Bell’s Palsy.  Of course, the “authorities” are poo pooing anything bad, even though the government’s own documents expect quite a bit of “adverse events” from the vaccine.

First, Mac Slavo reports on the first recipient of the vaccine outside of trials.

The first “high-risk” person has been vaccinated with the COVID-19 vaccine in the United Kingdom.  The elderly woman says if she can do it, “so can you.”

It’s here. Time’s up.

Meanwhile, in the US, the FDA published a report Tuesday morning from the panel that convened yesterday to start examining the data from the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine trials. They happily declared that there’s “no reason” to delay the emergency-approval of Pfizer’s vaccine. The agency is expected to release two reports analyzing the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine ahead of Thursday’s meeting, with data expected to break down the vaccine’s efficacy with various age, ethnic, and other demographic groups. The agency’s own scientists have prepared one report. The other report has been prepared by scientists with Pfizer and its German partner.

On Thursday, the FDA’s vaccine advisory panel will discuss these materials in advance of a vote on whether to recommend authorization. They will authorize this vaccine. They have already said there’s no reason not to. All countries are moving toward getting the entire global population vaccinated.

India’s federal health secretary Rajesh Bhushan says the government’s regulator could grant a license to some developers of COVID-19 vaccines in the next few weeks. Six vaccines, including Astra Zeneca’s Covidshield, and Bharat Biotech’s Covaxin, are in trial stages, Bhushan says.

Across the US, states are continuing to tighten restrictions as more than 30 million Americans are now under lockdown in and around the Los Angeles area as new “stay at home orders” and bans on walking are handed down by the tyrants who seek to own people and control their every move in the Golden State.

As these vaccines roll out, be aware of what’s going on in your area. This is not a normal vaccine and most people are well aware of that. Make your own decisions.  The best advice is to turn off the TV.  It’s going to be full (even more so than now) with Covid vaccine propaganda and commercials, much like earlier in the spring when the government blared their commands to stay home during popular television shows.

Of course, as the day arrives, the UK is also reporting that four trial volunteers who got Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine developed Bell’s palsy.  Yet, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) denies that occurred due to the vaccine.  Right, it just happened to coincide with it. Wink, wink, nod, nod.

The Daily Mail reported:

Four people who got Pfizer‘s coronavirus vaccine in the firm’s trial developed Bell’s palsy, a form of temporary facial paralysis, according to U.S. regulators’ report on the shot. 

Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulators said there wasn’t any clear way that the vaccine caused Bell’s palsy, but warned that doctors should watch for the alarming side effect and Pfizer should continue to keep tab on how many people it strikes. 

No one knows what exactly causes Bell’s palsy, which resolves on its own most of the time.   

This isn’t the first time it’s been linked to vaccines, but scientists have ultimately ruled that shots did not trigger Bell’s in all but one case – a Swiss flu vaccine that was sold during the 2001-2002 flu season there, then promptly taken off the market. 

So far, the FDA said that the number of Bell’s palsy cases seen in the Pfizer vaccine trial was ‘consistent with the background frequency of reported Bell’s palsy in the vaccine group that is consistent with the expected background rate in the general population, and there is no clear basis upon which to conclude a causal relationship at this time,’ but will keep a close watch on future cases. 

OK, so did you get the doublespeak there?  First, the FDA said there was no “clear way that the vaccine caused Bell’s palsy” and then it was followed up with “the FDA said that the number of Bell’s palsy cases seen in the Pfizer vaccine trial was ‘consistent with the background frequency of reported Bell’s palsy in the vaccine group that is consistent with the expected background rate in the general population, and there is no clear basis upon which to conclude a causal relationship at this time.”

Give me a break!  These drug pimping thugs can’t even get their story straight!  And they are keeping an eye on it, right?  No, they are engaging in damage control.

It gets better – I mean worse.

The four cases of Bell’s palsy were the only side effect that the FDA saw as ‘imbalanced’ with more occurring in the vaccine group than the placebo group, and fewer than 0.5 percent of the trial participants had serious side effects. 

Among the four people who developed Bell’s palsy, one saw facial paralysis or weakness within three days after they received the shot. 

But the participant’s face returned to normal about three days after that. 

A second person developed Bell’s palsy nine days after receiving the shot, and the others’ faces grew weak 37 and 48 days after vaccination, respectively. 

Each of those three recovered from the facial paralysis in 10 to 21 days.  

Bell’s palsy comes on suddenly, and looks alarmingly like a stroke. 

OK, so hmmm, I deal with whatever CONvid-1984 might actually be, which has a nearly 100% recovery rate or I deal with a possible adverse reaction, such as something that paralyzes my face and makes me appear like I’m having a stroke, which may return to normal in a few days up to 21 days or I might get a weakened face more than a month after the prick.

No thanks.  If I get sick, I’ll just take my chances with rest and building up my immune system, you know, that think the Creator built inside of us so we don’t have to listen to drug pushers?

You really have to be a special kind of stupid to turn yourself over to this kind of pseudo-science.

Article posted with permission from Sons of Liberty Media

Tim Brown

Tim Brown is a Christian and lover of liberty, a husband to his "more precious than rubies" wife, father of 10 "mighty arrows" and jack of all trades. He lives in the US-Occupied State of South Carolina, is the Editor at SonsOfLibertyMedia.com, GunsInTheNews.com and TheWashingtonStandard.com. and SettingBrushfires.com; and also broadcasts on The Sons of Liberty radio weekdays at 6am EST and Saturdays at 8am EST. Follow Tim on Twitter. Also check him out on Gab, Minds, and USALife.
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