Home»US»WATCH: Cops Force K9 to Maul Innocent Sleeping Man, Then Pretend it Never Happened

WATCH: Cops Force K9 to Maul Innocent Sleeping Man, Then Pretend it Never Happened

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“Had it not been for the body-worn camera footage, we would not have any idea of the atrocity that occurred there.”

Covington, KY — The disturbing case of Sean Davis is a chilling testimony to the grotesque mix of police aggression and incompetence, resulting in a terrifying, life-altering experience for an innocent man. Davis, while sleeping peacefully in a wooded area in Covington, Kentucky, was brutally attacked by a police K-9, becoming the victim of a severely botched identity check and an appalling display of unbridled police force. Instead of helping and apologizing to an innocent man they deliberately mauled, police blamed Davis for his own injuries.

The events leading to Davis’s horrific ordeal began with a call from a woman who, in a case of mistaken identity, claimed Davis was her violent ex-boyfriend against whom she held a protection order. Rather than approaching the situation with care and prudence, the Covington police officers in charge chose a path of reckless aggression. Bypassing the crucial steps of verification and caution, they unleashed a K-9 onto the unsuspecting Davis, resulting in a brutal mauling that caused severe injuries to his body.

But the display of unmeasured force didn’t stop there. As the body camera footage reveals, the officers continued their heartless aggression, handcuffing Davis, and disregarding his desperate attempts to assert his identity. His pleas fell on deaf ears. Even the presentation of his photo ID — concrete proof of his innocence — did nothing to sway the officers. Instead, they kept him in handcuffs for a disturbing 37 minutes, underscoring a grotesque mishandling of power.

This appalling disregard for human dignity continued as an officer, indifferent to Davis’s suffering, instructed him: “Try to scoot your butt straight over so you don’t get blood all over the car. Try to keep that arm off the seat.” This command, spoken with a chilling lack of empathy, illustrates the gross insensitivity displayed throughout this horrific event.

Adding to this egregious display of incompetence and inhumanity, the Covington police report entirely omitted any mention of the K-9 attack or the unjustified handcuffing of Davis in the report. This glaring omission highlights a horrifying lack of accountability, transparency, and truthfulness within the system.

Anita Washington, Davis’s attorney, made a critical observation about the revealing body-worn camera footage, stating, “Had it not been for the body-worn camera footage, we would not have any idea of the atrocity that occurred there.” This remark underscores the vital role of such technology in holding law enforcement accountable and uncovering their wrongdoings.

Despite the clear evidence of Davis’s innocence and the traumatic injuries he sustained, the city has audaciously denied the wrongful attack allegations. In a shocking dismissal of truth and justice, they blamed Davis for his own injuries and insisted that the police actions were justified. This response from the city reveals deeply rooted issues within the system — from a disturbing inclination towards violence to a reluctance to take responsibility for their horrific errors.

Article posted with permission from Matt Agorist

Matt Agorist

Matt Agorist is an honorably discharged veteran of the USMC and former intelligence operator directly tasked by the NSA. This prior experience gives him unique insight into the world of government corruption and the American police state. Agorist has been an independent journalist for over a decade and has been featured on mainstream networks around the world. Agorist is also the Editor at Large at the Free Thought Project.
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