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Weinstein Rape Accuser Jessica Mann Testifies In Court & It’s Brutal

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Harvey Weinstein is finally seeing his day in court and things got very interesting on Friday.

Before we continue, if you are easily offended by sexual descriptions or by forced rape stories, you should not read this.

You’ve been warned.


Aspiring actress Jessica Mann was asked some questions and did not hold back in her responses on Friday.

Harvey Weinstein’s rape trial got graphic on Friday after aspiring actress and hairdresser, Jessica Mann, described a degrading sexual encounter in which she testified that the disgraced movie mogul used a penis injection before raping her, according to The Wrap.

In graphic testimony that left her sobbing in the New York courtroom, the key prosecution witness described her “manipulative” encounters with the former Hollywood mogul and how she “faked an orgasm” after she said he orally sexually assaulted her in an L.A. hotel room in order to end the experience as quickly as possible. Her accusations represent at least two of the five felony counts that Weinstein faces; he has pleaded not guilty. –The Wrap

Mann, who met Weinstein at a Hollywood Hills party in late 2012 or early 2013, described how Weinstein took advantage of her when she was struggling to make it in L.A. – inviting him to his hotel room after a series of meetings in which he asked her increasingly personal and private questions.

“I didn’t want to go up there, but I also felt like I was helping him get away from all this public attention that was clearly distressing him,” said Mann.

After being pressured into giving Weinstein a massage on his ‘blackhead-filled back,’ she remained in his orbit and was allegedly raped while trying out for a role in a vampire film.

After being cajoled into going up to his room, Mann said Weinstein told her friend to wait in the living area of the suite and called Mann into his bedroom. When she appeared at the doorframe, she said that he pulled her in, shut the door, and orally sexually assaulted her without her consent.

The more I fought, the angrier he got,” Mann said, remembering that she “locked up” and grew very quiet. Then, she said she “faked an orgasm to get out of it.” When Weinstein was finished performing oral sex on her, Mann said, he asked her how it was and, being nervous, she told him, “Oh, it was the best I ever had.’”

Mann said that after the assault she made the decision to be in a relationship with Weinstein, in part, because she had only been sexual with “very few people.”

I entered what I thought would be an agreeable relationship with him, and it was extremely degrading from that point on,” Mann said. –The Wrap

Mann then testified that Weinstein asked her “Do you like my big fat Jewish dick?” and that he urinated on her. She also said that the first time she saw him naked she thought he was “deformed” because of “extreme scarring” and not having any testicles. [Weinstein, watching Mann testify, quickly put his head in his hands and started shaking his head, according to The Wrap].

In a later incident, Mann said Weinstein brought her up to his room and angrily ordered her to undress after an argument.

“I gave up at that point, and I undressed and he stood over me until I was completely naked, and then he told me to lay on the bed. And once I was naked and laying on the bed, he walked into the bathroom and closed the door behind him,” said Mann, adding “He came out, naked, and he got on top of me and that’s when he put himself inside of me, his penis inside of me.”

After she was allegedly raped, Mann says she discovered a needle in the bathroom trash, which she Googled the name of and found out that it was a penile injection.


What an “allegedly” sick man.

Is it still rape when the victim is so intimidated that she pretends to play along in fear?

I’d say it is.

That doesn’t mean the victim is not lying, but I feel myself wanting to believe her.

Weinstein has a history & reputation of sexually related misconduct.

Here’s more from Law and Crime:

More than 80 women say Weinstein, a once-powerful Hollywood producer, committed sexual misconduct against them. He’s being tried in New York state court for allegedly raping Mann in 2013 at a hotel room, and sexually assaulting former production assistant Mimi Haleyi. Prosecutors have also brought up other alleged victims to establish a pattern.

The defense is trying to show that these were consensual interactions. Haleyi and Mann continued to have very friendly interactions with Weinstein after the alleged attacks.


We do not know what happened in this relationship, but we do know that Weinstein has a long list of accusers.

When that happens I tend to think that they can not all be lying.

Weinstein has a history.

We have a judicial system for a reason.

In cases with wealthy clients, armed with high profile attorneys, sometimes this system seems to fail us.

Let’s hope and pray that they get this one correct, no matter what the verdict may be.

Article posted with permission from Dean Garrison

The Washington Standard

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